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Tuesday 30th March 2010 ~ 123 Go ?

B10M 20123 has at last moved to Vancouver Avenue garage for MOT preparation. Since the start of the year 20105/6 have been withdrawn and 20109 has only returned to service recently. At one stage only 20500, 20118 & 20121 were available for the three Hunstanton schools turns. This was not an ideal scenario with the Paragon being a rail replacement vehicle. Once 20123 returns to service it is likely to free 20109 for X1 use as required.
20107 was sent back to Lowestoft on K2 today and was just a couple of minutes late when seen both am & pm.
On the Gemini front 37563 has now been absent for over a week, while 37568 returned to King's Lynn this afternoon after bodywork repairs at 'Full Circle'.
Two new advertising campaigns were underway tonight, another for T Mobile and its Flexible Boosters (ooerrr matron !) and others receiving an ad for Sky Movies HD 'The Pacific'.
Whether 20127 worked all day yesterday is now even more in doubt as today the errant 37574 appeared on Y13.

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