They were quite a large company at one time I recall, Premier Travel. I'm sure most of you will know far more about them than me. No, what I'm talking about is B10M Premiere travel. This morning with a nip in the air we saw four old coaches within 90 minutes through Wisbech. The first was the most surprising being 20131 on Y8 06.02 from Yarmouth. Whether it came on as a replacement at Lynn, I know not, but it is no longer a regular on the X1. Half an hour later 20107 came along on K4 08.48 from Peterborough, then a further half hour elapsed and 20105 went storming by on J10 06.40 from Gorleston. Finally just after half ten, 20118 went through on J11 07.05 Gorleston - Peterborough. In addition, Michael and Sam saw 20126 at Beccles on K19 and 20103/9 were also out on X2s.
Meanwhile back on the X1, a succession of Geminis came through . Earlier K1 07.48 ex Peterborough had been 3 early through Walton Highway with 37578 and running to time was K2 08.18 eastbound which was 37569. K6 09.18 Peterborough - Lowestoft was right time with 37571. The procession of B9s began mid morning with 37568 on L12 07.15 from Lowestoft and after this came 37564/577/575/565. The monotony was broken by 20351 on K17 and at least one of the other B7s is back on the road as K3 had an unidentified one too. the maximum lateness on all these services was 8 minutes, so a good day up to this point. K5 had an unidentified B9 which was 20 late on the 15.01 Wisbech - Peterborough and over 30 late coming back. K2 with 37569 lost a lot of time, while 20107 on K4 was dead on time leaving Wisbech at 17.01. As a consequence Peter reported both 37569 and 20107 at Peterborough rail station simultaneously at 17.50, in fact he says the coach arrived before the B9 so a spot of overtaking must have occurred somewhere. K6 with 37571 was 18 late on the 17.31 Wisbech - Peterborough but services had got back to timetable by this evening.

This is the unofficial blog for the Peterborough - Norwich XL bus service operated by First Group. Originally reporting the introduction of the 'Gemini' double deckers and the phasing out of coaches, the blog is now incredibly in its twelfth year and in 2021 the new fleet of state of the art double deckers enter their second year in traffic. To contact me with your observations/experiences on the XL, email .
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Monday 29th December 2008 ~ Is That a Scania Gromit ?

Anyone interested in the history of transport in this country will probably agree with me when I say that it is often the case during periods of cold weather, that the new fails to function and the old is called upon to assist. Eastbound departures from Wisbech this morning were interesting. My observations commenced with K1 07.48 ex Peterborough which was seen 1 minute early at Walsoken with the late lady driver sporting a new blonde hairstyle and in charge of 20105. Rob Brooks was a passenger on K2 08.18 ex P'bo which was also on time with 37576 and actually stood for 2 minutes waiting time at Thorney, a very rare occurrence on the X1. The surprise came next however, with Scania/Wright 65540 again dead on time on K4 08.48 ex P'bo. How far it got is unclear, but it seems as though it may have gone all the way to Lowestoft and back to Lynn before being removed, more of which anon. K6 09.18 Peterborough - Lowestoft had 37579 which was 4 late into Wisbech. Coming from the coast, Y8 06.02 from Yarmouth was on time with 37565, Y9 06.32 ex Yarmouth was 3 late with 37564 (but on time from Wisbech at 20.09 and by the time it passed Walpole was 2 early), J10 06.40 from Gorleston was right time with 37571, J11 07.05 ex Gorleston 2 late with 37578, L12 07.15 from Lowestoft 9 late with 20107 but 19 late returning, 37574 on L13 07.45 ex Lowestoft was also 9 late going west. There was another surprise on the Y14 08.25 ex Lowestoft, the turn which begins with the 07.32 Yarmouth - Lowestoft when it turned up with 20126 running 12 late. The lateness had increased to 18 minutes on the 12.48 ex Peterborough, but it would appear that it came off this turn at Lynn as it was later noted on K4 16.29 Lynn - Peterborough in place of 65540. Y14 tonight was 37563 which is believed to have replaced whatever went forward from Lynn instead of 20126.
Other westbound X1's noted by Bruce and myself were 37566 7 late on K15, 37569 17 late on K17 and 20109 19 late on K18. Later in the afternoon, K5 15.48 ex Peterborough was an unidentified B9 running 13 late, which is appreciably better than the delays it was suffering pre-Christmas.
Tonight I followed L13 19.59 King's Lynn - Peterborough with 20107 on time from Walpole to Wisbech where it was boarded by Rob B who reports the driver ringing through for a replacement due to lack of heating. The next turn it does is the 23.00 Lynn - Hunstanton. Rob also saw K20 20.18 from Peterborough which was 37577.
Going back to Saturday now and Pat travelled outward to Peterborough on J11 10.31 ex Wisbech with 20103 and says the reason for its heavy delay was because the driver entered P'bo via Dogsthorpe instead of Eye and then got caught in the queue of traffic going into Queensgate car park. She returned on K5 15.48 to Great Yarmouth with 20351. Once again she commented on how comfortable the coach travel was as opposed to the Gemini experience.
Sunday 28th December 2008 ~ Gemini Gremlins
Problems with the B9s seem to be mounting up. Today 37572 was still out of traffic with its CCTV not working and it had been joined at Rowan road by 37570 which has a gearbox problem. The serviceable B7 contingent is now down to one with 20352 still at Volvo (Ely) and 20353 stopped at Lynn with its screen unserviceable. Out on the road today were Geminis 37563/5/7/8/9, 37571/7. The other two turns were 20351 (19.59 Lynn - Peterborough) and 20105 which did the 20.59 westbound. B10Ms at Lynn tonight were 20103/9/21/31 plus out of use 20120/141. 20121 doesn't appear to have worked since before Christmas as it still has a Hunstanton schools contract number on the blinds. What happened to 20111 today is unknown - may be it was out at Hunstanton this evening ?
Saturday 27th December 2008 ~ Shop Till You Drop
The Gemini contingent at Lynn over Christmas was 37564/5/6/7, 37572/4/5/6/9. The remaining 8 were presumably at Yarmouth and Lowestoft.
I was about early today and after defrosting the car saw 37571 on Y8 09.01 Wisbech - Peterborough - later this evening I saw it arriving at Lynn on the same turn. K2 09.09 Wisbech - Lowestoft (08.18 ex Pbo) pulled in to the bus station with 37579. Next service I saw was J10 10.48 ex Peterborough with 37577 roughly on time. Bruce had sent me a text to tell me that J11 and L13 were both B10Ms, now this suited me fine as my plan was to do J11 12.09 Wisbech to Lynn and later this evening L13 19.59 Lynn - Wisbech.
Waiting at Wisbech bus station from 11.55 until 12.42 was hardly what I had in mind, particularly as my train left Lynn at 12.56 ! Nevertheless, due to some unprecedented delay J11 with 20103 was 33 late from Wisbech. It had only been 5 late going west, but little blame can be attached to 103 as this was moving along nicely although it must be said with very little heating being provided. A fellow passenger informed me that 'sometimes they miss Wisbech out and go down the bypass' - had he been reading the blog I wonder ? Anyway on a related matter, I can reveal that there has at last been an instruction from head office to drivers to stop using the alternative A1101 route out to gain access to and from Wisbech - so the old lady waiting at Weasenham Lane stop triumphed in the end then !
Meanwhile during my wait at Wisbech 37568 arrived and departed slightly late on Y14 12.01 to Peterborough and once on board 20103 we passed 37565, 37567 and 37576 on K15/16/17 respectively. The latter was about 10 late and passed us sitting in a lengthy queue on Nar Ouse Way caused by the World and his wife descending on King's Lynn to use their Christmas vouchers etc. We eventually rolled into Lynn at about 13.30 (48 late) and 103 went forward as a late running L12 13.12 to Lowestoft. What happened to the real L12 is unknown, but as Bruce saw 20111 heading east past him at 13.20, it is fairly safe to assume this was L12 running 32 late. As I walked to King's Lynn station to catch the 13.56 train, 20104 arrived on K18 13.29 Lynn - Peterborough.
On my return after several pints of real ale in Cambridge, I arrived at Lynn bus station at 19.50 to find 20103 in the middle (L12), 20109 arrived on a 41A and 20111 waiting to work the 19.59 to Peterborough (L13) which pleased me. The only negative thing to say about 111 was that it had a badly screeching fanbelt which only seemed to correct itself once 50mph was reached. We left at 19.59 with some heat this time and despite a clear road and a capable driver, we were 1 late at Terrington St. John, on time at Walpole and about 1 early into Wisbech. How on earth drivers are supposed to maintain the timetable in times of heavy traffic is a mystery, the answer to which is only known by FEC. At Walpole Highway we passed another B10 (20105 ??) on Y9 heading for Lowestoft, bringing the total B10M count for the day to four.
I was about early today and after defrosting the car saw 37571 on Y8 09.01 Wisbech - Peterborough - later this evening I saw it arriving at Lynn on the same turn. K2 09.09 Wisbech - Lowestoft (08.18 ex Pbo) pulled in to the bus station with 37579. Next service I saw was J10 10.48 ex Peterborough with 37577 roughly on time. Bruce had sent me a text to tell me that J11 and L13 were both B10Ms, now this suited me fine as my plan was to do J11 12.09 Wisbech to Lynn and later this evening L13 19.59 Lynn - Wisbech.
Waiting at Wisbech bus station from 11.55 until 12.42 was hardly what I had in mind, particularly as my train left Lynn at 12.56 ! Nevertheless, due to some unprecedented delay J11 with 20103 was 33 late from Wisbech. It had only been 5 late going west, but little blame can be attached to 103 as this was moving along nicely although it must be said with very little heating being provided. A fellow passenger informed me that 'sometimes they miss Wisbech out and go down the bypass' - had he been reading the blog I wonder ? Anyway on a related matter, I can reveal that there has at last been an instruction from head office to drivers to stop using the alternative A1101 route out to gain access to and from Wisbech - so the old lady waiting at Weasenham Lane stop triumphed in the end then !
Meanwhile during my wait at Wisbech 37568 arrived and departed slightly late on Y14 12.01 to Peterborough and once on board 20103 we passed 37565, 37567 and 37576 on K15/16/17 respectively. The latter was about 10 late and passed us sitting in a lengthy queue on Nar Ouse Way caused by the World and his wife descending on King's Lynn to use their Christmas vouchers etc. We eventually rolled into Lynn at about 13.30 (48 late) and 103 went forward as a late running L12 13.12 to Lowestoft. What happened to the real L12 is unknown, but as Bruce saw 20111 heading east past him at 13.20, it is fairly safe to assume this was L12 running 32 late. As I walked to King's Lynn station to catch the 13.56 train, 20104 arrived on K18 13.29 Lynn - Peterborough.
On my return after several pints of real ale in Cambridge, I arrived at Lynn bus station at 19.50 to find 20103 in the middle (L12), 20109 arrived on a 41A and 20111 waiting to work the 19.59 to Peterborough (L13) which pleased me. The only negative thing to say about 111 was that it had a badly screeching fanbelt which only seemed to correct itself once 50mph was reached. We left at 19.59 with some heat this time and despite a clear road and a capable driver, we were 1 late at Terrington St. John, on time at Walpole and about 1 early into Wisbech. How on earth drivers are supposed to maintain the timetable in times of heavy traffic is a mystery, the answer to which is only known by FEC. At Walpole Highway we passed another B10 (20105 ??) on Y9 heading for Lowestoft, bringing the total B10M count for the day to four.
Wednesday 24th December 2008 ~ Seventeen Apparitions

Bruce always refers to the B9 Geminis as 'ghostly apparitions' when they pass his house, as at night they illuminate his lounge with the horrible fizz lights on the top deck. This phenomenon has been temporarily halted as Bruce in festive mood has got his own back with a house festooned with Christmas lights which move marginally faster than the B9s.
My survey I'd planned came to fruition today and for the first time I managed to track down all seventeen B9s in the same day. More startling was punctuality - most shoppers seemed to have burnt themselves out and traffic was light. Only one service was noted late and that was Y14 12.01 Wisbech - Peterborough which was 20 late and 19 late coming back. The following K15 12.31 was not seen by me, so it either took the Churchill Road out of Wisbech or went direct to Peterborough down the bypass to make up lost time. Either way it was on time departing on the 14.09 Wisbech - Lowestoft. There were two examples of early running today : K17 12.59 Lynn - Peterborough left Wisbech 5 early with 37565 and tonight K20 20.18 ex Peterborough with Profile 20351 was 10 early at Tilney St. Lawrence (guess the driver was ready for Xmas).
Seen today were :
37563 Y9 (terminated KL 20.37)
37564 K1a/K4b
37565 K17
37566 J11
37567 Y21
37568 K5
37569 Y8
37570 K4a
37571 K7 (term Lft)
37572 Rowan Road CCTV fault
37573 K16
37574 L13
37575 K15
37576 K6 to 19.37
37577 K3 (term Lft)
37578 K18
37579 Y14
What came back from Lowestoft on K1 is unknown but presumably a B10.
The other workings today were
20103 K2
20104 K19b
20105 K19a
20107 L12, K6 19.42 ?
20109 J10
20351 K20 (Term KL)
20353 was serviced today at Lynn and not used on X1. 20352 is out of traffic at Volvo, Ely for repairs. Other B10s at Lynn were 20118/121/131 with 20120 still under repair at the garage.
Only leaves me now to wish you a very Happy Christmas and thank all of you who have contributed or followed the blog since July. G
Tuesday 23rd December 2008 ~ Peter's Profile Performance
My plans for a survey today went out of the window, when it emerged that a few services are still taking the alternative route out of Wisbech. The timetable also collapsed for a while which complicated matters.
The day began with 37579 on K1 07.48 Peterborough - Lowestoft, this one has now had its Mamma Mia ad removed and replaced with a tasteless one advertising Sex Drive. 37576 was K4 and 37567 K6. Going west 37566 was Y8, the first departure from Yarmouth, but Y9 the second at 06.32 surprisingly turned up with Profile 20351. J11 07.05 from Gorleston was seen by Jamie R with 20105, but it was then that the timetable fell apart with L12 11.48 ex Peterborough being 30 late at Wisbech with 20103. The following service (L13) was no less than 39 late with 37577 and not far behind that was Y14 running 16 late with 37575. K16 13.01 Wisbech - Peterborough was only 8 late leaving via Churchill Road, but this had increased to a loss of 22 minutes when Bruce saw it returning.
We were all left a bit baffled then, when K17 12.59 Lynn - Peterborough turned up with 20105. This should have been half way to Lowestoft on J11 of course. Other Geminis seen were an unidentified example on K3 (normally a B7 turn) which was 12 late westbound and 14 late returning and K5 15.01 Wisbech - Peterborough had 37568 which was 14 late. It passed 20105 outside my office similarly 14 late !
This evening Peter sent a text to say he was enjoying his first trip with a Profile. This was 20353 on K20, the 20.18 Peterborough - Lowestoft which earlier had been 19 late passing Bruce westbound, it was then 10 late arriving at Peterborough station and 3 late away. Despite a 20 minute long phone conversation en route during which the driver enlightened Peter about internal politics at Lynn, he was on time into Wisbech at 22.05. Peter was impressed by the additional legroom on the B7.
The day began with 37579 on K1 07.48 Peterborough - Lowestoft, this one has now had its Mamma Mia ad removed and replaced with a tasteless one advertising Sex Drive. 37576 was K4 and 37567 K6. Going west 37566 was Y8, the first departure from Yarmouth, but Y9 the second at 06.32 surprisingly turned up with Profile 20351. J11 07.05 from Gorleston was seen by Jamie R with 20105, but it was then that the timetable fell apart with L12 11.48 ex Peterborough being 30 late at Wisbech with 20103. The following service (L13) was no less than 39 late with 37577 and not far behind that was Y14 running 16 late with 37575. K16 13.01 Wisbech - Peterborough was only 8 late leaving via Churchill Road, but this had increased to a loss of 22 minutes when Bruce saw it returning.
We were all left a bit baffled then, when K17 12.59 Lynn - Peterborough turned up with 20105. This should have been half way to Lowestoft on J11 of course. Other Geminis seen were an unidentified example on K3 (normally a B7 turn) which was 12 late westbound and 14 late returning and K5 15.01 Wisbech - Peterborough had 37568 which was 14 late. It passed 20105 outside my office similarly 14 late !
This evening Peter sent a text to say he was enjoying his first trip with a Profile. This was 20353 on K20, the 20.18 Peterborough - Lowestoft which earlier had been 19 late passing Bruce westbound, it was then 10 late arriving at Peterborough station and 3 late away. Despite a 20 minute long phone conversation en route during which the driver enlightened Peter about internal politics at Lynn, he was on time into Wisbech at 22.05. Peter was impressed by the additional legroom on the B7.
Monday 22nd December 2008 ~ How much longer ?
I have touched on this subject before, but I'm wondering just how much longer the Volvo B10M Premieres will and indeed can continue to stand in with such regularity on the X1 service. The official route allocation is the 17 B9 Geminis plus the 3 ex Devon & Cornwall B7s giving 20 buses for 21 turns. Given then that presumably K19, the turn which spends most of the day on the X2 is still being rostered for a B10, why is it that so many B10s seem to be out on mainstream X1 turns ? Today we hear that 20104 was on K18. 20105 was seen by Rob B and myself on K2 and 20111 was again seen by Rob working Y8 this evening, all of which one would expect to be B9s. I would like to do a survey either on 23rd or 24th to see exactly which of the B9s/B7s are not in service. Any help would be appreciated, but I am returning to work tomorrow so should see several turns myself.
37564 was seen at 14.16 entering Walton Highway heading for Lowestoft right time on K15 with the late lady driver - I am assuming it wasn't Y14 29 late here. This may have been the case as K3 was almost 30 late into Wisbech for the 14.31 to Peterborough with 20353. Tonight K2 with 20105 was 10 late heading east at Walpole Highway while Jamie R's service, the 18.17 to Peterborough (Y9) arrived 18 late with 37570. Y14 21.31 Wisbech to Peterboro' left 2 minutes early tonight with a B9 and the 22.31 (K15) was on time with 37564 (so we will be kind and guess it was on time this afternoon).
Rob says "20351 on K17 1331 Wisbech - Peterborough departed at 1357, 20111 on 1801 Wisbech - Peterborough departed at 1813, with me on board and a few others and can report its got a nasty squeal from the engine". Oh dear doesn't sound good then. Terence was at Yarmouth at 14.30 and reports 37575 heading west, so either K4 or possibly K6 and heading east on J10 37579. He also saw 20126 on a shuttle at teatime. Bruce saw 37563 and 37573, but on what he didn't specify being rather bored by the new regime.
37564 was seen at 14.16 entering Walton Highway heading for Lowestoft right time on K15 with the late lady driver - I am assuming it wasn't Y14 29 late here. This may have been the case as K3 was almost 30 late into Wisbech for the 14.31 to Peterborough with 20353. Tonight K2 with 20105 was 10 late heading east at Walpole Highway while Jamie R's service, the 18.17 to Peterborough (Y9) arrived 18 late with 37570. Y14 21.31 Wisbech to Peterboro' left 2 minutes early tonight with a B9 and the 22.31 (K15) was on time with 37564 (so we will be kind and guess it was on time this afternoon).
Rob says "20351 on K17 1331 Wisbech - Peterborough departed at 1357, 20111 on 1801 Wisbech - Peterborough departed at 1813, with me on board and a few others and can report its got a nasty squeal from the engine". Oh dear doesn't sound good then. Terence was at Yarmouth at 14.30 and reports 37575 heading west, so either K4 or possibly K6 and heading east on J10 37579. He also saw 20126 on a shuttle at teatime. Bruce saw 37563 and 37573, but on what he didn't specify being rather bored by the new regime.
Sunday 21st December 2008 ~ Blog Resumed
Sorry for the lack of a blog over the past few days, my Mother who lives with me has been confined to bed with one of these dreadful bugs which seem so prevalent these days. I think she is over the worst thank goodness.
A quick look at what you've reported - having been stuck at home, I haven't seen anything myself until today.
THURSDAY : Michael reported K19, the X2 turn with Gemini 37576, both at lunchtime and in the evening. 20107 also on X2s. 20104 on K16 13.48 ex Peterborough.
FRIDAY : Bruce reported 20111 heading for Lynn 23 minutes late on L12 11.48 ex P'bo. 20121, 20106 and of course 20141 were at Rowan Road along with 20505 which is now ready for departure.
SATURDAY : Kieron said that there were coaches on four X1 turns today. 20107 was the star being 27 late on L13 at lunch and only 2 late tonight.
SUNDAY : Today I escaped from the house for a while as my sister came round and she looked after Mum. All in all saw all but two of the X1 turns - there are only nine on Sundays - all were Geminis. 37566 was showing a good turn of speed doing 60 solid down the A47 to Lynn - had wondered if it would exceed this, but a dawdling car got in its way. At Rowan Road there was a fine line up of B10Ms, these being 20103/4/5/7/9/11/21/31/41. Noticeable by their absence were B9s with only 37571 present and I couldn't see any in Vancouver Avenue either. No profiles seen either, but they may have been locked up in the garage.
Wednesday 17th December 2008 ~ Guess the Route
There was an old woman who waited for a bus
the route it was taking she just could not suss
it went off the route up the A eleven 01
the poor woman at Tescos thought the bus must have gone
She waited in case it was just running late
- by the time it came she'd forgotten the date
The reason you see for her poor frozen plight
was a misguided Lynn driver with an elephant white !
You see it must be a bit frustrating if you are waiting for an X1 at the Weasenham Lane stop, you could in fact be there for hours before one turns up. As regular readers will know, in order to provide the good citizens of Wisbech (what do you mean, are there any ?) with that great necessity of life in a recession, otherwise known as a Lidl supermarket, temporary traffic lights were installed on Cromwell Road a few weeks ago causing all manner of mayhem and delays. At the beginning of last week, some more permanent lights which phased correctly were put in to avoid delays over the Christmas period and since then traffic has been running smoothly. With the lights being slap bang in the middle of the X1 route, major delays occurred and an unadvertised diversionary route was set up, whereby on leaving Wisbech bus station, westbound X1s took the A1101 Ely road as far as the A47 B & Q roundabout where they took the Wisbech western bypass to rejoin the advertised route at the next roundabout. The same applied in reverse for eastbound services. This left the poor passengers waiting at the aforementioned bus stop without any service.
One might reasonably have expected the x1 to resume its normal route following last weeks improvement and in some cases this has happened, however, some drivers are insisting on taking the alternative route, so whether you get a bus at Weasenham Lane is very hit and miss. Tonight Bruce encountered 37576 near B & Q on the wrong route on K18 14.48 from Peterboro' whilst the white elephant on K2 16.31 Wisbech - Peterborough took the correct route. Jason told me last week that there was a rumour going around at Lynn that the Weasenham Lane stop was to be permanently axed with all buses taking the A1101. Some drivers seem to have taken it upon themselves to implement this change without telling anyone !
One item from yesterday I failed to record was K1 starting the day with 37565 and later on the 15.29 Lynn - Peterborough appearing with an unidentified B10 - a bit too dark for Bruce to see the number. There were some B10s to spot today, again thanks to Bruce for spotting 20111 on J10 from Gorleston (this left Wisbech at 10.01 via the A1101) and another unidentified example on L13. As I left Wisbech tonight I was surprised to see dear old 20131 heading in to town 15 late to work the 17.01 to Peterborough (K4).
John was in touch today and says 'Only got out briefly pm today, but very productive.
Around Gaywood Clock at around 3pm were 20106 and 34155 on 41, the latter inbound with full and very clear display on the front. 37573 came along for the Park School duty, all washed (down as distinct from washed up). 65529 was past on 42 with its front display now working properly. All that in a few minutes. Later I had to pass VA where 34157 was present. Are these loans ??' One would imagine so John, but I will have to enquire. I wonder if the occasion will arise when one gets out on the X1 instead of a B10 ?
the route it was taking she just could not suss
it went off the route up the A eleven 01
the poor woman at Tescos thought the bus must have gone
She waited in case it was just running late
- by the time it came she'd forgotten the date
The reason you see for her poor frozen plight
was a misguided Lynn driver with an elephant white !
You see it must be a bit frustrating if you are waiting for an X1 at the Weasenham Lane stop, you could in fact be there for hours before one turns up. As regular readers will know, in order to provide the good citizens of Wisbech (what do you mean, are there any ?) with that great necessity of life in a recession, otherwise known as a Lidl supermarket, temporary traffic lights were installed on Cromwell Road a few weeks ago causing all manner of mayhem and delays. At the beginning of last week, some more permanent lights which phased correctly were put in to avoid delays over the Christmas period and since then traffic has been running smoothly. With the lights being slap bang in the middle of the X1 route, major delays occurred and an unadvertised diversionary route was set up, whereby on leaving Wisbech bus station, westbound X1s took the A1101 Ely road as far as the A47 B & Q roundabout where they took the Wisbech western bypass to rejoin the advertised route at the next roundabout. The same applied in reverse for eastbound services. This left the poor passengers waiting at the aforementioned bus stop without any service.
One might reasonably have expected the x1 to resume its normal route following last weeks improvement and in some cases this has happened, however, some drivers are insisting on taking the alternative route, so whether you get a bus at Weasenham Lane is very hit and miss. Tonight Bruce encountered 37576 near B & Q on the wrong route on K18 14.48 from Peterboro' whilst the white elephant on K2 16.31 Wisbech - Peterborough took the correct route. Jason told me last week that there was a rumour going around at Lynn that the Weasenham Lane stop was to be permanently axed with all buses taking the A1101. Some drivers seem to have taken it upon themselves to implement this change without telling anyone !
One item from yesterday I failed to record was K1 starting the day with 37565 and later on the 15.29 Lynn - Peterborough appearing with an unidentified B10 - a bit too dark for Bruce to see the number. There were some B10s to spot today, again thanks to Bruce for spotting 20111 on J10 from Gorleston (this left Wisbech at 10.01 via the A1101) and another unidentified example on L13. As I left Wisbech tonight I was surprised to see dear old 20131 heading in to town 15 late to work the 17.01 to Peterborough (K4).
John was in touch today and says 'Only got out briefly pm today, but very productive.
Around Gaywood Clock at around 3pm were 20106 and 34155 on 41, the latter inbound with full and very clear display on the front. 37573 came along for the Park School duty, all washed (down as distinct from washed up). 65529 was past on 42 with its front display now working properly. All that in a few minutes. Later I had to pass VA where 34157 was present. Are these loans ??' One would imagine so John, but I will have to enquire. I wonder if the occasion will arise when one gets out on the X1 instead of a B10 ?
Tuesday 16th December 2008 ~ Late again !
Late again - the blog that is, not the buses ! Well most of the buses - at 13.10 I had to venture into Wisbech town centre and on the way passed 37566 on K16 13.01 to Peterborough which had just departed spot on time. What is noteworthy is that this vehicle had started the day on K16 at Lynn at 06.07 and had managed to keep time, something almost unknown on a weekday since the B9s began. Whilst in the bus station 37571 arrived at 13.10 with 'not in service' on the front and deposited passengers before departing for Lynn empty via the A47 bypass. It was on L12, the 12.39 Wisbech to Lowestoft and barely had it departed when 37575 came in on L13. Other Gemini worked services ran pretty near to time and 37572 did well on K4, again having worked all day and only a couple late on the 17.01 Wisbech to Peterborough.
A number of B10s were sent out by Lynn today, 20104 on K19 which completed the turn, 20103 on K18 06.57 KL - Lowestoft and 20118 on K2 06.59 KL - Peterborough. A Gemini out of action was 37570 which failed at Lynn at 11.00 on Monday morning and was today believed to be in Lynn Volvo for adblu related repairs.
The B7 Profiles have now largely reverted to their usual turns, today 20351 was on K17 and 20353 on K3. There was no sign of 20352 though and it wasn't at Lynn this evening.
20141 was apparently en route to Scotland from Norwich when it was stopped at Lynn on Monday with its suspension fault. Another recent absentee, 20106 had returned home tonight - this usually happens when it requires servicing - and had worked on the Hunstanton route along with 20109. Yet another B10 20121 was on Schools contract 5, while 20131 has been having vandalised seats repaired after use on Hunstanton Smithdon schools. Volvo Olympian 34155 arrived today and should be on Hunstanton services from tomorrow.
The incident with 37575 speeding yesterday is being looked into, as it has not been upgraded to work over 56mph and indeed the tyres on Geminis are only rated to perform at speeds of up to 62mph.
A number of B10s were sent out by Lynn today, 20104 on K19 which completed the turn, 20103 on K18 06.57 KL - Lowestoft and 20118 on K2 06.59 KL - Peterborough. A Gemini out of action was 37570 which failed at Lynn at 11.00 on Monday morning and was today believed to be in Lynn Volvo for adblu related repairs.
The B7 Profiles have now largely reverted to their usual turns, today 20351 was on K17 and 20353 on K3. There was no sign of 20352 though and it wasn't at Lynn this evening.
20141 was apparently en route to Scotland from Norwich when it was stopped at Lynn on Monday with its suspension fault. Another recent absentee, 20106 had returned home tonight - this usually happens when it requires servicing - and had worked on the Hunstanton route along with 20109. Yet another B10 20121 was on Schools contract 5, while 20131 has been having vandalised seats repaired after use on Hunstanton Smithdon schools. Volvo Olympian 34155 arrived today and should be on Hunstanton services from tomorrow.
The incident with 37575 speeding yesterday is being looked into, as it has not been upgraded to work over 56mph and indeed the tyres on Geminis are only rated to perform at speeds of up to 62mph.
Monday 15th December 2008 ~ Good News At Last
There was good news for X1 punters today at last. Firstly major delays seemed to be minimal, services through Wisbech seemed to have reverted to the usual route for the most part and this evening I followed 37575 down the old A47 doing just under 65mph, so obviously its speed limiter has been reset. 575 did Y9 today and was noted as follows : 1 minute late on 09.31 Wisbech - P'bo, 6 minutes late on 10.18 ex P'bo, 8 late on 17.59 Lynn - P'boro and finally 3 early at Walpole Highway on 19.18 Peterborough - Lowestoft. This is heartening news indeed, but it will take some time to modify the entire fleet if this is not just an isolated incident. 37574 was 6 late from Wisbech on the 12.31 to P'boro (K15) and despite an allowed extra layover at Lowestoft was still late (11 mins) on the 22.31 Wisbech - Peterborough tonight, so it is doubtful if the speed adjustment has been applied to this one. 37565 managed to make up time on L13, being 13 late going west before lunch and on time tonight on the 19.59 Lynn - Peterborough. Other Gemini sightings today were Y8 : 37577, J10 : 37579 - the worst timekeeper being 23 late on the 10.48 ex P'boro; L12 37578, Y14 37572, K16 37563 and K6 37569. Tonight 37573 was `10 late on the 17.18 Peterborough - Gorleston.
Old stagers in use today were 20109 on K1 07.48 ex Peterboro, seen leaving Wisbech five minutes late. It must have been swapped, as John saw it take over K4 10.12 Lynn - Lowestoft from 20121 which had arrived from the west. 20107 was also seen by john this morning, but this afternoon was sent out on K20. Peter sent a text to say he'd been expecting his first ride on a Gemini on the 20.18 Peterborough - Lowestoft when 107 turned up and gave an exhilarating journey to Wisbech.
J11 09.59 Lynn - Lowestoft was not seen by Bruce or myself today, so whether it ran is debatable.
FEC Managing director, Peter Iddon resigned today to 'spend more time with his family' ! A readers letter in the EDP was scathing about a rail replacement vehicle used on December 6th, it was described as an 'R reg coach with no heat, no suspension, draughty emergency doors and faulty seatbelts as well as stapled moquette on the seatbacks. Step forward 20141 !
Old stagers in use today were 20109 on K1 07.48 ex Peterboro, seen leaving Wisbech five minutes late. It must have been swapped, as John saw it take over K4 10.12 Lynn - Lowestoft from 20121 which had arrived from the west. 20107 was also seen by john this morning, but this afternoon was sent out on K20. Peter sent a text to say he'd been expecting his first ride on a Gemini on the 20.18 Peterborough - Lowestoft when 107 turned up and gave an exhilarating journey to Wisbech.
J11 09.59 Lynn - Lowestoft was not seen by Bruce or myself today, so whether it ran is debatable.
FEC Managing director, Peter Iddon resigned today to 'spend more time with his family' ! A readers letter in the EDP was scathing about a rail replacement vehicle used on December 6th, it was described as an 'R reg coach with no heat, no suspension, draughty emergency doors and faulty seatbelts as well as stapled moquette on the seatbacks. Step forward 20141 !
Sunday 14th December 2008 ~ Catch Up Time
Been rather busy this weekend, but here is a brief report on recent events :
Things went pear shaped from about 09.30 at Lynn according to Jason and there were plenty of B10s out, some just filling in on trips to Peterborough and back, while others were out for much of the day. Known workings are 20103 on X2, 20104 K18, 20105 Hunstanton number 4 contract (failed at Smithdon High School with fuel leak), 20107 K1 07.48 P'bo - Lft, K6 13.55 Lft - P'bo and 18.18 return, 20109 K20a (Lynn - Nor & return), Hunstanton services, 20111 K19a (start of X2 turn) then returned on X1 to P'bo and back as far as Lynn, 20118 Hunstanton services, Vancouver Avenue repairs, 20121 Hunstanton services, 20127 X1 shuttles (thanks Grahame and Sam) and 20131 did an X1 Lynn - P'bo and return.
The buses sent out from Lynn this morning in addition to the coaches above were : K2 37570, K3 20351, K4 37577, K5 37564, K6 37568, K15 37575, K16 37565 and K17 20353, Other sightings were Y14 12.48 ex P'bo 37571 running 15 late, 37578 on L12 11.48 ex P'bo just 6 late. Tonight 37572 was seen arriving at Rowan Road at 19.40 while 37576 arrived on Y21. Terence saw K7 with 37579 running 40 late at Gorleston at lunchtime. 20117 was at Rowan Road having had its final mileage as an FEC vehicle, mileage reading was 359342 incidentally.
Some important movements today including the departure of 20117, 20502 & 20503 to Scotland. 20141 arrived back at King's Lynn from Norwich with an air leak and suspension fault after rail replacement work. Other out of service vehicles today were 20120 which is officially described as 'audit repairs' involving gearbox oil temperature investigation. 20352 awaiting an oil cooler at Rowan Road and 20105 with a hydraulic pump leak. Various B10s were once again out on Hunstanton services including 20109/11/18/21. The morning departures from Lynn were all B9 Geminis apart from B7s 20351/3. John remarks that the driver changes at lynn seem to take longer with the B9s than with the coaches, perhaps due to the new technology ?
Noted at Rowan Road tonight were 37569/71/73 with 20505/6 (the last two remaining Paragons) and 20118/31/41/352. At Vancouver Avenue were 37570, 20107/09/11 and 20351/3.
There was a very keen driver on the X1 this afternoon/evening. On the 15.19 eastbound from Walpole Highway he was 3 early with an unidentified B9. On the 18.18 ex P'bo with 37577 he arrived at Wisbech at 19.01 departing at 19.02 (3 x 7 early !) and Bruce reported the 23.19 back to Lynn passing him at 23.12 (7 early). In contrast 37572 was 12 late arriving Wisbech on the 19.31 to Peterborough.
Things went pear shaped from about 09.30 at Lynn according to Jason and there were plenty of B10s out, some just filling in on trips to Peterborough and back, while others were out for much of the day. Known workings are 20103 on X2, 20104 K18, 20105 Hunstanton number 4 contract (failed at Smithdon High School with fuel leak), 20107 K1 07.48 P'bo - Lft, K6 13.55 Lft - P'bo and 18.18 return, 20109 K20a (Lynn - Nor & return), Hunstanton services, 20111 K19a (start of X2 turn) then returned on X1 to P'bo and back as far as Lynn, 20118 Hunstanton services, Vancouver Avenue repairs, 20121 Hunstanton services, 20127 X1 shuttles (thanks Grahame and Sam) and 20131 did an X1 Lynn - P'bo and return.
The buses sent out from Lynn this morning in addition to the coaches above were : K2 37570, K3 20351, K4 37577, K5 37564, K6 37568, K15 37575, K16 37565 and K17 20353, Other sightings were Y14 12.48 ex P'bo 37571 running 15 late, 37578 on L12 11.48 ex P'bo just 6 late. Tonight 37572 was seen arriving at Rowan Road at 19.40 while 37576 arrived on Y21. Terence saw K7 with 37579 running 40 late at Gorleston at lunchtime. 20117 was at Rowan Road having had its final mileage as an FEC vehicle, mileage reading was 359342 incidentally.
Some important movements today including the departure of 20117, 20502 & 20503 to Scotland. 20141 arrived back at King's Lynn from Norwich with an air leak and suspension fault after rail replacement work. Other out of service vehicles today were 20120 which is officially described as 'audit repairs' involving gearbox oil temperature investigation. 20352 awaiting an oil cooler at Rowan Road and 20105 with a hydraulic pump leak. Various B10s were once again out on Hunstanton services including 20109/11/18/21. The morning departures from Lynn were all B9 Geminis apart from B7s 20351/3. John remarks that the driver changes at lynn seem to take longer with the B9s than with the coaches, perhaps due to the new technology ?
Noted at Rowan Road tonight were 37569/71/73 with 20505/6 (the last two remaining Paragons) and 20118/31/41/352. At Vancouver Avenue were 37570, 20107/09/11 and 20351/3.
There was a very keen driver on the X1 this afternoon/evening. On the 15.19 eastbound from Walpole Highway he was 3 early with an unidentified B9. On the 18.18 ex P'bo with 37577 he arrived at Wisbech at 19.01 departing at 19.02 (3 x 7 early !) and Bruce reported the 23.19 back to Lynn passing him at 23.12 (7 early). In contrast 37572 was 12 late arriving Wisbech on the 19.31 to Peterborough.
Thursday 11th December 2008 ~ What number was that ?
Today began well with K1 07.48 ex Peterborough less than five late leaving Wisbech with 37565. Bruce reported a B10M on the 08.59 Lynn - Peterborough, but this wasn't positively identified until this evening when I passed 20103 on the 19.18 Peterborough - Lowestoft.
Bruce paid a visit to Rowan Road today where 20502/3 are now ready for departure and 20505 was expected to arrive today from Yarmouth Volvo. 20117 is also ready now, but still appears to be in use on Hunstanton schools work. It would appear that 20114 went north earlier than anticipated because of a brake fault on 20508, which duly went eventually with 20119. 20352 was another coach at Rowan Road today.
At lunchtime I saw 20105 about 15 late on L13 12.18 ex Peterborough and this now seems to be the favourite turn to get a B10M - possibly because of its evening trip to Hunstanton. 37578 was seen on K16 about 9 late and Y14 12.48 ex P'bo was 31 late arriving at Wisbech with 37575. In days gone by when this turn ran very late, the coaches had made up all the lost time by the evening, but tonight 575 was still 17 late going to Peterborough on the 20.59 ex Lynn.
Another late running award went to the 15.48 Peterborough - Yarmouth (K5) which with 37566 was seen departing Wisbech 29 late at 17.08. Coming westbound were K4 24 late with 37571 and K6 just ten late with a Gemini whose number I've manged to forget completely ! Tonight 37573 was seen on K20 20.18 Peterborough - Lowestoft on time. Terence reports 37579 at Gorleston this morning on what was probably K15 and he also saw an unidentified B7 Profile at about 17.15 in the same area. Even though the traffic lights on Cromwell Road in Wisbech are now phasing correctly, very few drivers are running to the booked route and almost all X1s are still using Churchill Road (A1101).
After my rant yesterday Jim writes "Just one small point I feel, (no criticism intended here)when the B10M's were on the x94/794 they were only 9.6litres, yet when the Tigers were on there they were 11.1 litres and they couldn't keep to time I recall. The difference was their ratios I was told, yet the Tigers 26/27 were used by York/Essex on their fast service.
The Geminis are, if i may correct 9.4litre just for the record, and there is very little difference in their weights if you notice. I know I'm harping on about this but it's that 62mph they are not using, 6mph handicap can make a lot of difference to time keeping also,at least the driver can work accordingly then. Lowestoft ought to give those Royale's/Palatines a go they will do 60 or should do,no bother. Keep the good work up on the blog it's brill.." Flattery will get you everywhere Jim ! Thanks for the interesting points that you make, I wonder if we will see the Royales get an outing occasionally - are they tacho fitted does anyone know ? How about the incoming Tridents too, are they just intended for town routes ?
Bruce paid a visit to Rowan Road today where 20502/3 are now ready for departure and 20505 was expected to arrive today from Yarmouth Volvo. 20117 is also ready now, but still appears to be in use on Hunstanton schools work. It would appear that 20114 went north earlier than anticipated because of a brake fault on 20508, which duly went eventually with 20119. 20352 was another coach at Rowan Road today.
At lunchtime I saw 20105 about 15 late on L13 12.18 ex Peterborough and this now seems to be the favourite turn to get a B10M - possibly because of its evening trip to Hunstanton. 37578 was seen on K16 about 9 late and Y14 12.48 ex P'bo was 31 late arriving at Wisbech with 37575. In days gone by when this turn ran very late, the coaches had made up all the lost time by the evening, but tonight 575 was still 17 late going to Peterborough on the 20.59 ex Lynn.
Another late running award went to the 15.48 Peterborough - Yarmouth (K5) which with 37566 was seen departing Wisbech 29 late at 17.08. Coming westbound were K4 24 late with 37571 and K6 just ten late with a Gemini whose number I've manged to forget completely ! Tonight 37573 was seen on K20 20.18 Peterborough - Lowestoft on time. Terence reports 37579 at Gorleston this morning on what was probably K15 and he also saw an unidentified B7 Profile at about 17.15 in the same area. Even though the traffic lights on Cromwell Road in Wisbech are now phasing correctly, very few drivers are running to the booked route and almost all X1s are still using Churchill Road (A1101).
After my rant yesterday Jim writes "Just one small point I feel, (no criticism intended here)when the B10M's were on the x94/794 they were only 9.6litres, yet when the Tigers were on there they were 11.1 litres and they couldn't keep to time I recall. The difference was their ratios I was told, yet the Tigers 26/27 were used by York/Essex on their fast service.
The Geminis are, if i may correct 9.4litre just for the record, and there is very little difference in their weights if you notice. I know I'm harping on about this but it's that 62mph they are not using, 6mph handicap can make a lot of difference to time keeping also,at least the driver can work accordingly then. Lowestoft ought to give those Royale's/Palatines a go they will do 60 or should do,no bother. Keep the good work up on the blog it's brill.." Flattery will get you everywhere Jim ! Thanks for the interesting points that you make, I wonder if we will see the Royales get an outing occasionally - are they tacho fitted does anyone know ? How about the incoming Tridents too, are they just intended for town routes ?
Wednesday 10th December 2008 ~ Contrasts
It must be strange being a regular X1 passenger. Where else in this country would you find a cross country express service operated 90% by 'state of the art' 58 reg double deckers and the other 10% by N reg coaches ? Why the FEC order originally quoted in official publicity as being 20 vehicles was subsequently reduced to 17 and the seats in the new vehicles downgraded from the leather type promised are matters for conjecture. At this point I ought to add that I'm fully aware that any service which spends nearly 15 minutes negotiating narrow lanes and then a suburban housing estate (Toftwood) can hardly be described as 'express', but there you are. Whether the 'Geminis' can be regarded as 'state of the art' is also dubious, it is a reflection on the times we live in that seats are grouped so closely together that a comfortable journey is almost impossible, yet at the same time passengers are monitored by 16 security cameras ! I still find it incredible that there were no timing trials with the new buses. It was simply assumed that they would keep the current timings despite the fact that the mainstay of the service was 12 litre coaches and their replacements just 9 litre deckers used elsewhere on town services.
Today, my first encounter was as usual with K1 07.48 ex Peterborough which was 10 late at Wisbech with 20104. Later on a B10 passed Bruce westbound at 16.37 on K2 and it would seem likely that this was 104 having stepped down a turn at Lowestoft. At lunchtime we had a nostalgic moment when at 13.12, K16 arrived at Wisbech bus station from Lowestoft with 20111 (and the miserable driver incidentally), just as 20109 departed on L13 13.09 to Lowestoft. I didn't see a great deal today, but everything else I witnessed was Geminis.
Michael Bryant reports that K19 was once again a Lowestoft decker ( in fact a Royale) at lunch time swapped this evening for Gemini 37574. On the x1 B9s reported were 37565 (K6), 37572 (Y8), 37571 (Y9), 37568 (L12), 37573 (K15), 37566 (K17), 37564 (K18), and 37570 (K7). Thanks to Bruce and Terence for most of this.
Today, my first encounter was as usual with K1 07.48 ex Peterborough which was 10 late at Wisbech with 20104. Later on a B10 passed Bruce westbound at 16.37 on K2 and it would seem likely that this was 104 having stepped down a turn at Lowestoft. At lunchtime we had a nostalgic moment when at 13.12, K16 arrived at Wisbech bus station from Lowestoft with 20111 (and the miserable driver incidentally), just as 20109 departed on L13 13.09 to Lowestoft. I didn't see a great deal today, but everything else I witnessed was Geminis.
Michael Bryant reports that K19 was once again a Lowestoft decker ( in fact a Royale) at lunch time swapped this evening for Gemini 37574. On the x1 B9s reported were 37565 (K6), 37572 (Y8), 37571 (Y9), 37568 (L12), 37573 (K15), 37566 (K17), 37564 (K18), and 37570 (K7). Thanks to Bruce and Terence for most of this.
Tuesday 9th December 2008 ~ The Elephants Came In Two by Two
Well first the good news for us fans of the old and reliable. 20107 did L13 today, that's the 07.45 ex Lowestoft and 12.18 ex Peterborough. It also appears to have come back tonight as booked. Hopes were raised at lunchtime when 34825 was seen on the lunchtime part of K19 at Beccles, but 20104 had taken over this evening. Michael confirms that the last part of K19 last night was 37568. John says 20109/117 were on the Hunstanton routes this morning and 20118 then joined them off a schools turn. On schools also was 20121. Tonight 20118 had another run out on the X1 when it was noted entering Wisbech 15 late on K6 16.59 ex Lynn instead of 37573. Sam saw 20103 on the X2 today, but it wasn't smoking this time thank goodness.
Timekeeping during the morning was better than yesterday, but John says services arriving at Lynn from Peterborough were on average 25 late. Congestion coming into Lynn must have been bad as K1 07.48 ex Peterborough passed me with 37571 just 5 late leaving Wisbech, but was 25 late arriving at Lynn, similarly the previous service (K7) was seen by Bruce 5 late with 37568 but was 28 late into Lynn.
Tonight the 16.31 departure from Wisbech to Peterborough (K2) arrived at 17.06 with 37576 and was followed about 7 minutes later by 37565 on K4. In the opposite direction things were worse. Jamie R arrived at Peterboro' bus station for K7 16.28 to Lowestoft and it duly appeared about 5 late with 37568 (having made up time since this morning apparently). He thought it odd that there was only himself and another passenger to board, but what he didn't know was that he'd just missed K5 with 37579 running 30 late ! At Wisbech, 37579 arrived via the A1101 at 17.23 (49 late) and 37568 was 4 minutes behind but arrived via the normal route. The chances of 568 overtaking well loaded 579 before Lynn seemed very high. Rob H noted three X1s running eastbound in quick succession tonight, so may be K1 was not far behind either.
The temporary lights at Wisbech may be going soon and are to be replaced by permanent traffic lights at the Lidl supermarket junction !
Timekeeping during the morning was better than yesterday, but John says services arriving at Lynn from Peterborough were on average 25 late. Congestion coming into Lynn must have been bad as K1 07.48 ex Peterborough passed me with 37571 just 5 late leaving Wisbech, but was 25 late arriving at Lynn, similarly the previous service (K7) was seen by Bruce 5 late with 37568 but was 28 late into Lynn.
Tonight the 16.31 departure from Wisbech to Peterborough (K2) arrived at 17.06 with 37576 and was followed about 7 minutes later by 37565 on K4. In the opposite direction things were worse. Jamie R arrived at Peterboro' bus station for K7 16.28 to Lowestoft and it duly appeared about 5 late with 37568 (having made up time since this morning apparently). He thought it odd that there was only himself and another passenger to board, but what he didn't know was that he'd just missed K5 with 37579 running 30 late ! At Wisbech, 37579 arrived via the A1101 at 17.23 (49 late) and 37568 was 4 minutes behind but arrived via the normal route. The chances of 568 overtaking well loaded 579 before Lynn seemed very high. Rob H noted three X1s running eastbound in quick succession tonight, so may be K1 was not far behind either.
The temporary lights at Wisbech may be going soon and are to be replaced by permanent traffic lights at the Lidl supermarket junction !
Monday 8th December 2008 ~ Confusion Abounds
You might think with Bruce, John, Terence and myself on the case today that we would have a concise list of X1 workings. Yes reports flew in from far and wide and yet the full picture is still not known as during the morning their seems to have been a major delay west of Lynn which threw the booked diagrams into chaos.
The trouble seems to have started early on, so let's look firstly at the eastbound services. K15 05.42 Lynn - Lowestoft was 37570 and this stuck to the turn all day and actually seemed least affected by the days events. It was 4 late at lunchtime and dead on time out of Wisbech on the final westbound service at 22.31 tonight. K16 was 37574 and this had lost 18 minutes by lunchtime. K17 had 20353 which was only 7 late at Walpole Highway at 13.27 going west and K18 following was 10 down with stalwart 20107. K3 had also only lost a little time with 20351 and K5 which does the 05.24 Lynn - Peterborough etc was 21 late passing Bruce on the 11.25 from Lowestoft. K7 kept fairly good time with 37578 and was only 15 late departing from Wisbech on the 15.31 to Peterborough.
K1 07.48 Peterborough - Lowestoft with 37572 was the first service delayed by the unknown incident. it was only 7 late from Wisbech (08.39 sched) but had somehow lost 40 minutes when John saw it leaving Lynn at 09.53. The following service, K2 , had 20111 as power and was only 6 late passing Bruce at Walpole on the 08.18 ex P'bo, but had dropped 17 minutes on arrival at Lynn. Interestingly, Terence saw these two services in Gorleston later and by that time the B10 had overtaken 37572 although both were together !
Things then get complicated and the next eastbound turn (K4) which was 37576 was 17 late at Walpole but then got caught in the major delay and arrived at Lynn at 11.06, 59 minutes late !! The following K6 which itself was 16 late passing Bruce with 37569 somehow made a diversion and actually overtook K4 arriving at Lynn shortly before it and duly departing to Lowestoft at 11.04 (22 late). 37576 on K4 had made up time by this evening and was only 10 late at Wisbech for the 17.01 to Peterborough. 37569 also stuck to its turn and was about 10 late this evening on the 18.18 ex Peterborough.
The first westbound turn originating on the coast is Y8 06.02 Yarmouth - Peterborough and this was slightly late and again took the alternative route out of Wisbech owing to the over-running roadworks on Cromwell Road. The new Lidl supermarket (opposite Tesco) was due to open today, but despite threats from Tesco to sue over loss of trade, the temporary traffic lights which have caused chaos for the last few weeks remained in situ today. 37579 was the bus on Y8 and this took the diversion in both directions and avoided other delays and managed to depart Lynn for Lowestoft at 11.14, just 2 minutes late. Tonight however, it had lost time and was seen on the 18.48 Peterborough - Lynn at Tilney All Saints at 20.14 running approx 20 late. Y9 with 37564 fared better this morning being only 4 late returning from Peterboro' on the 10.18 to Lowestoft.
What happened next is a bit of a mystery, J10 appears to have been 37577 seen by Bruce running about 10 late on the 10.48 ex P'bo, but when John arrived at Lynn bus station at 09.55 he saw 37565 departing for Peterborough and naturally assumed this was J10 westbound running 26 late. 565 was next reported by Bruce at Walpole en route to Peterborough at 10.42, so it lost 28 minutes on this stretch due to the unknown incident. Bruce of course assumed this was J11 !! Complicated or what ? The obvious answer would seem to be that J11 due off Lynn at 09.59 had an eager driver and left 4 early at 09.55, but then we find that John witnessed 37573 leaving for Peterborough on time for J11 at 09.59 ! Somehow we seem to have gained a bus !
The huge delay affected 37573 also and this didn't pass Walpole Highway until 10.53, having lost 35 minutes. Now I don't expect those of you unfamiliar with the X1 timetable to understand a word of this, but I'm explaining things chiefly for the benefit of those who kindly submitted their observations.
37573's driver decided to stick to the booked route negotiating the Wisbech roadworks in both directions and as a result I saw it arriving at Wisbech bus station at 13.08 on its way back east. So as we simply don't know what turn it was on, all we can say is that if it was J11 it was by now 64 minutes late and if it was L12, just 34 mins in arrears. How far it worked is unclear, but 37573 was at Rowan Road tonight and I suspect the service may well have been terminated at Lynn and passengers transferred to L13 which was only 13 minutes behind - see below.
The equilibrium (and try spelling that at this time of night), seems to have been settled by there being no 10.29 westbound from Lynn and instead at 11.02, 37567 arrived at Lynn to do the 10.59 to Peterborough (L13). The obstruction which had hindered preceding services appears to have been cleared as this was about 6 late from Lynn, 9 late at Walpole outward and 13 late at the same location returning east.
Services now resumed some semblance of normality with Y14 08.25 ex Lowestoft which had 37575 as far as Lynn where it was removed for servicing and replaced by 37571 off K20. 571 then proceeded to astonish all and sundry by being 10 late going to Peterborough and returning on time !! My bet is that it failed to go to P'bo rail station, but may be I'm just a cynic. 37575 continued on K20 after its booked maintenance.
There was one final twist in this saga of B9 supremacy. 37568 had a service at Lowestoft today but Syd says before this it worked the 09.11 service 99 from Southwold ! Anyway it was back at King's Lynn tonight as were 37565/67/77 , so I'm guessing that one of these must have replaced smokey 20103 on K19, the X2 turn. Finally (really they cried ?) what of the only Gemini not featured so far today, 37566 ? Well this turned up on L13 16.55 from Lowestoft tonight while 37567 which had been on this turn came in 30 mins earlier on L12. So all the B9s accounted for today then, I think I need a stiff drink after that lot.
On a sadder note 20500/01 left for First Essex today, while 37574 needs a new drivers seat, 37563 has intermittant CCTV and random bodywork leaks, 37577 also has leaks, 37565 has tacho issues and leaks and 37571 has a failed ad blu sensor. Oh well, that's progress for you.
The trouble seems to have started early on, so let's look firstly at the eastbound services. K15 05.42 Lynn - Lowestoft was 37570 and this stuck to the turn all day and actually seemed least affected by the days events. It was 4 late at lunchtime and dead on time out of Wisbech on the final westbound service at 22.31 tonight. K16 was 37574 and this had lost 18 minutes by lunchtime. K17 had 20353 which was only 7 late at Walpole Highway at 13.27 going west and K18 following was 10 down with stalwart 20107. K3 had also only lost a little time with 20351 and K5 which does the 05.24 Lynn - Peterborough etc was 21 late passing Bruce on the 11.25 from Lowestoft. K7 kept fairly good time with 37578 and was only 15 late departing from Wisbech on the 15.31 to Peterborough.
K1 07.48 Peterborough - Lowestoft with 37572 was the first service delayed by the unknown incident. it was only 7 late from Wisbech (08.39 sched) but had somehow lost 40 minutes when John saw it leaving Lynn at 09.53. The following service, K2 , had 20111 as power and was only 6 late passing Bruce at Walpole on the 08.18 ex P'bo, but had dropped 17 minutes on arrival at Lynn. Interestingly, Terence saw these two services in Gorleston later and by that time the B10 had overtaken 37572 although both were together !
Things then get complicated and the next eastbound turn (K4) which was 37576 was 17 late at Walpole but then got caught in the major delay and arrived at Lynn at 11.06, 59 minutes late !! The following K6 which itself was 16 late passing Bruce with 37569 somehow made a diversion and actually overtook K4 arriving at Lynn shortly before it and duly departing to Lowestoft at 11.04 (22 late). 37576 on K4 had made up time by this evening and was only 10 late at Wisbech for the 17.01 to Peterborough. 37569 also stuck to its turn and was about 10 late this evening on the 18.18 ex Peterborough.
The first westbound turn originating on the coast is Y8 06.02 Yarmouth - Peterborough and this was slightly late and again took the alternative route out of Wisbech owing to the over-running roadworks on Cromwell Road. The new Lidl supermarket (opposite Tesco) was due to open today, but despite threats from Tesco to sue over loss of trade, the temporary traffic lights which have caused chaos for the last few weeks remained in situ today. 37579 was the bus on Y8 and this took the diversion in both directions and avoided other delays and managed to depart Lynn for Lowestoft at 11.14, just 2 minutes late. Tonight however, it had lost time and was seen on the 18.48 Peterborough - Lynn at Tilney All Saints at 20.14 running approx 20 late. Y9 with 37564 fared better this morning being only 4 late returning from Peterboro' on the 10.18 to Lowestoft.
What happened next is a bit of a mystery, J10 appears to have been 37577 seen by Bruce running about 10 late on the 10.48 ex P'bo, but when John arrived at Lynn bus station at 09.55 he saw 37565 departing for Peterborough and naturally assumed this was J10 westbound running 26 late. 565 was next reported by Bruce at Walpole en route to Peterborough at 10.42, so it lost 28 minutes on this stretch due to the unknown incident. Bruce of course assumed this was J11 !! Complicated or what ? The obvious answer would seem to be that J11 due off Lynn at 09.59 had an eager driver and left 4 early at 09.55, but then we find that John witnessed 37573 leaving for Peterborough on time for J11 at 09.59 ! Somehow we seem to have gained a bus !
The huge delay affected 37573 also and this didn't pass Walpole Highway until 10.53, having lost 35 minutes. Now I don't expect those of you unfamiliar with the X1 timetable to understand a word of this, but I'm explaining things chiefly for the benefit of those who kindly submitted their observations.
37573's driver decided to stick to the booked route negotiating the Wisbech roadworks in both directions and as a result I saw it arriving at Wisbech bus station at 13.08 on its way back east. So as we simply don't know what turn it was on, all we can say is that if it was J11 it was by now 64 minutes late and if it was L12, just 34 mins in arrears. How far it worked is unclear, but 37573 was at Rowan Road tonight and I suspect the service may well have been terminated at Lynn and passengers transferred to L13 which was only 13 minutes behind - see below.
The equilibrium (and try spelling that at this time of night), seems to have been settled by there being no 10.29 westbound from Lynn and instead at 11.02, 37567 arrived at Lynn to do the 10.59 to Peterborough (L13). The obstruction which had hindered preceding services appears to have been cleared as this was about 6 late from Lynn, 9 late at Walpole outward and 13 late at the same location returning east.
Services now resumed some semblance of normality with Y14 08.25 ex Lowestoft which had 37575 as far as Lynn where it was removed for servicing and replaced by 37571 off K20. 571 then proceeded to astonish all and sundry by being 10 late going to Peterborough and returning on time !! My bet is that it failed to go to P'bo rail station, but may be I'm just a cynic. 37575 continued on K20 after its booked maintenance.
There was one final twist in this saga of B9 supremacy. 37568 had a service at Lowestoft today but Syd says before this it worked the 09.11 service 99 from Southwold ! Anyway it was back at King's Lynn tonight as were 37565/67/77 , so I'm guessing that one of these must have replaced smokey 20103 on K19, the X2 turn. Finally (really they cried ?) what of the only Gemini not featured so far today, 37566 ? Well this turned up on L13 16.55 from Lowestoft tonight while 37567 which had been on this turn came in 30 mins earlier on L12. So all the B9s accounted for today then, I think I need a stiff drink after that lot.
On a sadder note 20500/01 left for First Essex today, while 37574 needs a new drivers seat, 37563 has intermittant CCTV and random bodywork leaks, 37577 also has leaks, 37565 has tacho issues and leaks and 37571 has a failed ad blu sensor. Oh well, that's progress for you.
Monday 7th December 2008 ~ Beautiful Sunday

20103 leaves Lynn this afternoon on the 14.42 to Lowestoft
Certainly a beautiful day for enjoying the winter sunshine after a harsh frost. I'm afraid it wasn't a remarkable day on the X1 though. B9 Geminis did seven of the turns, one was not seen and the other was 20103 which I saw departing King's Lynn on the 14.42 to Lowestoft emitting clouds of unhealthy smoke when standing at the traffic lights at the exit of the bus station. I think the Geminis with the destination display in larger font are only 37575/6/8/9. Not sure why 37577 appears to have missed out.
Elsewhere EABG report that 20114 and an unidentified Paragon were seen on the M62 near Oldham on Friday evening, while 20119 along with 20504/7/9 are already in Glasgow apparently. Interesting that 20119 didn't come to Lynn for preparation before going north.
Saturday 6th September 2008 ~ A Big Mistake ?
20104 at Lynn depot this afternoon
Saw Richard today and as the man in charge of the B9 maintenance you would expect him to know pretty accurately how things are fareing. " They are a disaster mate, they should have gone for new coaches" was his verdict. Problems with leaking bodywork we've already mentioned, but the situation regarding Adblu failures has become acute. Almost every night B9s are being admitted to King's Lynn Volvo for Adblu problems. Take Thursday when 37565 failed at Necton (on K7 ?) and had to be driven back to Lynn, it was immediately taken in to Volvo for remedial work.The Profiles are not having a good time either. Today 20353 was under repair at Vancouver Avenue having attention to its front bodywork again, while 20352 on K3 failed at Lowestoft and had to be driven back empty and exchanged for 20104 which had come in to Lynn on Friday night on K19. This meant Lowestoft had to provide a vehicle for the 10.55 to Peterborough (K3) and this was 20111 off an X2. The service in front of it (K18) was 22 late going west at Terrington with 37566 and according to the Facebook & EAB groups, this lost more time and eventually passengers were transferred on to 20111 at Dereham on the return 14.48 from Peterborough. 20117 was at Lynn compound today having done Hunstanton schools yesterday afternoon and also there were 20500/01 which are due to go to Essex on Monday. 20107/109/118 were all on Hunstanton diagrams today.
Friday 5th September 2008 ~ More Departures
20508/9 were both at Rowan Road last night but had left for Scotland by the time Bruce had visited this lunchtime. Bruce reports that 20500/1 are now ready to go to Essex, while 20502/3 need working on and 20506 resembles a shell inside with odd bits of seats still left but scarcely a good one. This has become the donor vehicle to get the others fit for despatch. Still no sign of 20505 last reported at Yarmouth Volvo.
Ryans says 20126/7 have been out on Yarmouth locals while 20123 is still at Caister Road depot out of service as is 20124 at Lowestoft. Sam got quite excited this morning when he espied 20115 at Trowse with about six HV clad chaps on board heading out of town. Perhaps for rail replacement at last ? He also travelled with 20111 on the X2 and this was having acceleration problems despite the drivers best efforts.
37564 followed me about today. Firstly it did K1 07.48 ex Peterborough, then at 17.20 it was seen on K4 13.25 ex Lowestoft entering Wisbech. I also saw it returning from Peterborough 33 late at Walpole Highway ! Only seven minutes behind it was 20118 on K6 18.18 Peterborough - Lowestoft. K1's return duty, the 12.25 ex Lowestoft was seen by Bruce on the Wisbech western bypass with 37579 running about 20 late. He also saw an unidentified B7 profile on K3 at around 16.20 in the Wisbech roadworks queue. Terence says a B7 was at Magdalen Square at 20.40, so I guess this was the same one. There was a B10 seen today, it passed Bruce 9 late on J10 09.29 Lynn - Peterborough, but was not identified.
Ryans says 20126/7 have been out on Yarmouth locals while 20123 is still at Caister Road depot out of service as is 20124 at Lowestoft. Sam got quite excited this morning when he espied 20115 at Trowse with about six HV clad chaps on board heading out of town. Perhaps for rail replacement at last ? He also travelled with 20111 on the X2 and this was having acceleration problems despite the drivers best efforts.
37564 followed me about today. Firstly it did K1 07.48 ex Peterborough, then at 17.20 it was seen on K4 13.25 ex Lowestoft entering Wisbech. I also saw it returning from Peterborough 33 late at Walpole Highway ! Only seven minutes behind it was 20118 on K6 18.18 Peterborough - Lowestoft. K1's return duty, the 12.25 ex Lowestoft was seen by Bruce on the Wisbech western bypass with 37579 running about 20 late. He also saw an unidentified B7 profile on K3 at around 16.20 in the Wisbech roadworks queue. Terence says a B7 was at Magdalen Square at 20.40, so I guess this was the same one. There was a B10 seen today, it passed Bruce 9 late on J10 09.29 Lynn - Peterborough, but was not identified.
Thursday 4th December 2008 ~ It's Not Fair
"It's not fair" said Michael the taximan tonight when I told him that the B9s can't keep time. "Why ?" I asked, "Well" he replied "There are so many sets of roadworks (spelt correctly Cheryl, please note) at the moment that nothing could keep the timetable going". He may be right and I look forward to the day when we get a good day. Tonight there was more chaos after a serious accident in the dip between Honingham and Hockering. The A47 was closed for in excess of 3 hours and diversions were set up.
B10s out today were 20104 which did all of K19, 20103 which similarly did K20 and tonight 20118 was sent out to Peterborough and back on L13 19.59 ex Lynn. 20109 had also come in to Lynn on an X1 tonight on one of the early arrivals. The B10s on Hunstanton schools runs were 20121 , 20131 and presumably 20118.
Elsewhere the B9 saga continued. 37576 was my first sighting today on K1 07.48 ex P'bo 20 late at Wisbech. 37577 began the day on K2 but was obviously removed as when I visited tonight, it had just arrived at Rowan Road from Volvo (K Lynn) after attention to Adblu problems. 37565 was also there for same and two others had allegedly been into Yarmouth Volvo for similar attention.
Delays because of the Wisbech roadworks resulted in Y9 10.18 ex P'bo with 37570 being 26 late, while J11 from Gorleston did its increasingly popular manouevre by missing the villages west of Lynn due to it being 30 late. Once again viewed on the A47 bypass by Bruce, the bus is believed to have been 37578. L13 10.59 Lynn - Peterboro' had a bad day with 37564 running 26 late going west and 32 late returning. The following Y14 travelled on its booked route through the roadworks, rather than taking the A1101 out of Wisbech which accounted for it being 34 late with 37571. Tonight the latter looked to have come in to Lynn on Y21 and due to severe congestion at Vancouver Avenue was parked in the HGV park off the South Gates roundabout. 20109 had been left abandoned in the road outside the garage by its incoming driver.
At lunchtime I visited Wisbech bus station at 13.08 just as 37568 arrived from Lynn with 'not in service' on the front and 37573 was filling up with passengers for Peterborough. 573 was actually K15 running 36 late and 568 originally on K16 must have gone empty to Peterboro' to take over K15 leaving 573 to drop down to K16. Jamie R was at Peterborough for the 13.58 to Wisbech (K16) which was 573 and this left Queensgate bus station and then went to the rail station where 20351 on K17 was already in attendance (on time !). Bruce witnessed a pairing at Walpole Highway this afternoon when at 16.20 he saw 20352 just 2 minutes late on K3 heading east followed 20 seconds later by 37563 on K18 which was 32 late. The reason for the transposition of K18 and K3 was because the Profile took the Wisbech western bypass to the B & Q roundabout then the A1101 to reach the Horsefair while the Gemini stuck with its correct route and thus lost more time. K5 this afternoon was a B10 believed to have been 20107 and glimpsed by Bruce on the A47 flyover, this turn had started the day with 37566.
At Rowan Road tonight there had been no further Paragon movements and 20114 was sandwiched between two B12s probably indicating that its operating days here are likewise over. At Vancouver Avenue 20120 had been moved over the pits and also in this position was 20105.
20351/2 were on their old favourite turns K17 and K3 today, while 20353 which has an odd front panel following its mishap the other night came in on Y8 18.48 from Peterborough.
On the Hunstanton route, 30235 had a collision with a loose tree branch this morning knocking a front window out and badly damaging the roof. It was the first decker to traverse the route today and was en route to Hunstanton empty. It is not expected to see further service and indeed the whole route is supposedly to be low floor by the end of the month.
B10s out today were 20104 which did all of K19, 20103 which similarly did K20 and tonight 20118 was sent out to Peterborough and back on L13 19.59 ex Lynn. 20109 had also come in to Lynn on an X1 tonight on one of the early arrivals. The B10s on Hunstanton schools runs were 20121 , 20131 and presumably 20118.
Elsewhere the B9 saga continued. 37576 was my first sighting today on K1 07.48 ex P'bo 20 late at Wisbech. 37577 began the day on K2 but was obviously removed as when I visited tonight, it had just arrived at Rowan Road from Volvo (K Lynn) after attention to Adblu problems. 37565 was also there for same and two others had allegedly been into Yarmouth Volvo for similar attention.
Delays because of the Wisbech roadworks resulted in Y9 10.18 ex P'bo with 37570 being 26 late, while J11 from Gorleston did its increasingly popular manouevre by missing the villages west of Lynn due to it being 30 late. Once again viewed on the A47 bypass by Bruce, the bus is believed to have been 37578. L13 10.59 Lynn - Peterboro' had a bad day with 37564 running 26 late going west and 32 late returning. The following Y14 travelled on its booked route through the roadworks, rather than taking the A1101 out of Wisbech which accounted for it being 34 late with 37571. Tonight the latter looked to have come in to Lynn on Y21 and due to severe congestion at Vancouver Avenue was parked in the HGV park off the South Gates roundabout. 20109 had been left abandoned in the road outside the garage by its incoming driver.
At lunchtime I visited Wisbech bus station at 13.08 just as 37568 arrived from Lynn with 'not in service' on the front and 37573 was filling up with passengers for Peterborough. 573 was actually K15 running 36 late and 568 originally on K16 must have gone empty to Peterboro' to take over K15 leaving 573 to drop down to K16. Jamie R was at Peterborough for the 13.58 to Wisbech (K16) which was 573 and this left Queensgate bus station and then went to the rail station where 20351 on K17 was already in attendance (on time !). Bruce witnessed a pairing at Walpole Highway this afternoon when at 16.20 he saw 20352 just 2 minutes late on K3 heading east followed 20 seconds later by 37563 on K18 which was 32 late. The reason for the transposition of K18 and K3 was because the Profile took the Wisbech western bypass to the B & Q roundabout then the A1101 to reach the Horsefair while the Gemini stuck with its correct route and thus lost more time. K5 this afternoon was a B10 believed to have been 20107 and glimpsed by Bruce on the A47 flyover, this turn had started the day with 37566.
At Rowan Road tonight there had been no further Paragon movements and 20114 was sandwiched between two B12s probably indicating that its operating days here are likewise over. At Vancouver Avenue 20120 had been moved over the pits and also in this position was 20105.
20351/2 were on their old favourite turns K17 and K3 today, while 20353 which has an odd front panel following its mishap the other night came in on Y8 18.48 from Peterborough.
On the Hunstanton route, 30235 had a collision with a loose tree branch this morning knocking a front window out and badly damaging the roof. It was the first decker to traverse the route today and was en route to Hunstanton empty. It is not expected to see further service and indeed the whole route is supposedly to be low floor by the end of the month.
Wednesday December 3rd 2008 ~ A Service of Sorts
The traffic congestion at Wisbech became even worse during this morning's peak and I suspect an accident or two contributed to the appalling delays suffered by the X1 services at this time. Bruce saw K6 07.59 Lynn - Peterborough on time with 37565, although K7 which passes him at the same time going east failed to appear.
Surveying from around 10.40 at Walpole Highway, the first X1 seen by Bruce was a B9 Gemini flailing westbound down the A47 dual carriageway avoiding the villages to make up time, this turned out to be J11 (we think !) about 30 late. Next came 37576 on Y8 09.48 ex Peterborough 13 minutes late at 11.01 followed by K6 returning with 37565, now 43 late and having been overtaken by 576.
Then 37575 on L12 10.29 Lynn - Peterborough appeared 18 late, I passed this coming in to Wisbech whilst behind me was Y9 10.18 ex Peterboro' with 37578 almost on time. After waving at Bruce, I then met 37568 on L13 at Walpole Highway just 4 late. Whilst sitting waiting for my Mum at Terrington surgery, another unidentified B9 passed by westbound on Y14, while Bruce made a visit to B & Q.
Observations resumed with J11 12.09 Wisbech - Lowestoft which was 37567 dead on time, K15 11.59 ex Lynn had lost time though and was 17 late while 37572 and the following K16 fared worse being 24 late with 37569. 575 returned on L12 by now 25 late, but strangely, despite keeping his eyes fixed on both the old and new A47 routes, Bruce never saw L13 or Y14 returning east ! His next eastbound observation was K15 with 572 just 7 late.
37566 was K17 12.59 ex Lynn which was only 6 late going west, but then there was another big gap in the Peterborough bound service with 20352 and 37570 both appearing in convoy on K18 & K3 at 14.23, 35 & 5 late respectively. By 15.05 when Bruce finished his vigil, K16 and K5 had both failed to appear suggesting that the former may have bypassed the villages again.
At teatime K4 was 33 late at Walpole with 37577, but later services had at last caught up time with L13 still with 37568 being spot on time at Walpole at 20.17 heading west where it passed Y9 on time with 37565. A late observation tonight was 37572 (still on K15) being on time at Walpole.
So a plethora of white elephants and no B10s seen today, however, Sam says 20103 was on K19 X2 turn, although it was 35 late this evening.
Surveying from around 10.40 at Walpole Highway, the first X1 seen by Bruce was a B9 Gemini flailing westbound down the A47 dual carriageway avoiding the villages to make up time, this turned out to be J11 (we think !) about 30 late. Next came 37576 on Y8 09.48 ex Peterborough 13 minutes late at 11.01 followed by K6 returning with 37565, now 43 late and having been overtaken by 576.
Then 37575 on L12 10.29 Lynn - Peterborough appeared 18 late, I passed this coming in to Wisbech whilst behind me was Y9 10.18 ex Peterboro' with 37578 almost on time. After waving at Bruce, I then met 37568 on L13 at Walpole Highway just 4 late. Whilst sitting waiting for my Mum at Terrington surgery, another unidentified B9 passed by westbound on Y14, while Bruce made a visit to B & Q.
Observations resumed with J11 12.09 Wisbech - Lowestoft which was 37567 dead on time, K15 11.59 ex Lynn had lost time though and was 17 late while 37572 and the following K16 fared worse being 24 late with 37569. 575 returned on L12 by now 25 late, but strangely, despite keeping his eyes fixed on both the old and new A47 routes, Bruce never saw L13 or Y14 returning east ! His next eastbound observation was K15 with 572 just 7 late.
37566 was K17 12.59 ex Lynn which was only 6 late going west, but then there was another big gap in the Peterborough bound service with 20352 and 37570 both appearing in convoy on K18 & K3 at 14.23, 35 & 5 late respectively. By 15.05 when Bruce finished his vigil, K16 and K5 had both failed to appear suggesting that the former may have bypassed the villages again.
At teatime K4 was 33 late at Walpole with 37577, but later services had at last caught up time with L13 still with 37568 being spot on time at Walpole at 20.17 heading west where it passed Y9 on time with 37565. A late observation tonight was 37572 (still on K15) being on time at Walpole.
So a plethora of white elephants and no B10s seen today, however, Sam says 20103 was on K19 X2 turn, although it was 35 late this evening.
Tuesday December 2nd 2008 ~ Bypass Operation
More unscheduled appearances on the A47 bypass today, more of which shortly. K1 07.48 ex Peterborough had not arrived at Wisbech by 09.00 (sched departure is 08.39), earlier however, Bruce had seen K6 07.59 King's Lynn to Peterborough with 37568 and K7 07.13 P'bo - Lowestoft with 37576 both on time. Cheryl saw K6 returning east and it was at Wisbech bus station alongside 37564 on J10 from Gorleston. Y9 was 37563 seen by Bruce. What happened next is unclear, but there must have been an almighty hold up somewhere as travelling west from Wisbech, Rob B passed 20105 before Guyhirn on J11 about 40 late, 20352 at Thorney at 12.45 on L12 about 30 late and then 20107 on L13 approaching Thorney just 5 late.
Bruce describes what happened next : "Coming back from Wisbech on the bypass at 13.06, I noted a Plaxton body in front of me. Instead of going home, I followed it up the dual carriage way and caught up with 20352 flogging along at 60+ with passengers on X1 - Lowestoft at Terrington West junction. At Terrington East a B10M was seen on the flyover, i.e. the proper route on the old road. Drove to the end of the dual carriageway with 20352 200 yards behind me and 201xx running parallel one field away. Retraced my steps on old road from the roundabout to meet at 13.09 20105, X1 - Lowestoft,which would have rejoined the A47 a few seconds behind 20352, having previously been in front! Bad enough, you may say, until I arrived in Walpole Highway to be met at 13.22 by 20107, X1 - Lowestoft, going like a train!"
Normality of sorts was restored by 37571 10 late on the K17 12.59 ex - Lynn while 37572 went by to Lynn at 14.13 (Y14 running 25 late), followed by 37570 at 14.20 to Lynn (K15 just 2 late).
"We only tell it as we see it!" says Bruce. Well I can add 37575 on K16 13.01 Wisbech - P'bo about 10 late and Rob Brooks enlarges on earlier services seeing 20107 on L13 1131 Wisbach - P'bo running approx 10 late down Elm Road (off its normal route). The later delay to 37572 on Y14 can be attributed to it departing Wisbech westbound 10 late and after the roadwords at Tesco this had increased to 27 mins late out of them!! 37564 on J10 11.39 Wisbech - Lowestoft arrived here at 12.10 (36 late).
This afternoon, almost all services took the Churchill & Elm Road route out of Wisbech to avoid the delays. On my way home 37566 was encountered near Walton Highway on K4 running 33 late while Bruce saw another B9 taking the bypass avoiding Walpole, Terrington and Tilney at 18.30 heading east - presumably a late running K1, in which case it was approx 41 late. Last thing tonight at 22.18 K15 was 5 late at Walpole with 37570 and L13 had 20352 on time.
Bruce describes what happened next : "Coming back from Wisbech on the bypass at 13.06, I noted a Plaxton body in front of me. Instead of going home, I followed it up the dual carriage way and caught up with 20352 flogging along at 60+ with passengers on X1 - Lowestoft at Terrington West junction. At Terrington East a B10M was seen on the flyover, i.e. the proper route on the old road. Drove to the end of the dual carriageway with 20352 200 yards behind me and 201xx running parallel one field away. Retraced my steps on old road from the roundabout to meet at 13.09 20105, X1 - Lowestoft,which would have rejoined the A47 a few seconds behind 20352, having previously been in front! Bad enough, you may say, until I arrived in Walpole Highway to be met at 13.22 by 20107, X1 - Lowestoft, going like a train!"
Normality of sorts was restored by 37571 10 late on the K17 12.59 ex - Lynn while 37572 went by to Lynn at 14.13 (Y14 running 25 late), followed by 37570 at 14.20 to Lynn (K15 just 2 late).
"We only tell it as we see it!" says Bruce. Well I can add 37575 on K16 13.01 Wisbech - P'bo about 10 late and Rob Brooks enlarges on earlier services seeing 20107 on L13 1131 Wisbach - P'bo running approx 10 late down Elm Road (off its normal route). The later delay to 37572 on Y14 can be attributed to it departing Wisbech westbound 10 late and after the roadwords at Tesco this had increased to 27 mins late out of them!! 37564 on J10 11.39 Wisbech - Lowestoft arrived here at 12.10 (36 late).
This afternoon, almost all services took the Churchill & Elm Road route out of Wisbech to avoid the delays. On my way home 37566 was encountered near Walton Highway on K4 running 33 late while Bruce saw another B9 taking the bypass avoiding Walpole, Terrington and Tilney at 18.30 heading east - presumably a late running K1, in which case it was approx 41 late. Last thing tonight at 22.18 K15 was 5 late at Walpole with 37570 and L13 had 20352 on time.
Monday December 1st 2008 ~ Party Time
My work Christmas 'do' today, so saw very little. Yes I know it's early for a Xmas meal, but as my boss was retiring, they combined the two things.
37564 was on K1 07.48 ex P'bo this morning and it does as I suspected have the Mamma Mia ad on the drivers side. At lunchtime I saw 20104 on L12 11.48 ex Peterborough running slightly late and going in the opposite direction was K15 11.59 Lynn to Peterborough with 37571 which was 19 late. Jamie R did K16 which was about 15 late heading west with 20352. Saw 17.01 Wisbech - Peterborough (K4) from a distance about 15 late with one of the Mamma Mia Geminis (probably 37570 see below). Final sighting was L13 19.59 Lynn - Peterborough which was about 5 late with 37569.
Rob Brooks was about this morning and reported the following : 20111 K2 0828 PB - LS depart PB 0834. 37570 K4 0858 PB - LS depart PB 0910, and went via Wisbech Bypass & Churchill Road to the Horsefair. 37578 was on K6 0928 PB - LS, but was only approaching Eye on the inward at 0921. 37563 was to be Y8 the 0958 PB - LS, but as of 0934, was passing Guyhirn, about 23 late. 20103 was on the Y9 0931 Wisbech - Peterboro and appeared to be on time ! (Unless everythings over 30mins late - no it really was on time Rob ). Un/id B7 heading into Wisbech via Churchill Road 1200. Assume a late running 1139 to Lowestoft (J10) ?(actually possibly J11 on time, see Bruce's note below)
Bruce had more pressing matters to attend to and says "Due to having my head and an angle grinder inside the wood burning stove (following it setting the chimney alight on Saturday night)I can only lay claim to 20104 on L12. Another B10 went to Lynn between 11.00 and 12.00 but can't remember when and there was a B7 on J11. Saw 20352 this afternoon between 15.00 and 16.00 but again can't remember exactly when" (K16 which was well late).
I have since established that Bruce's stove was NOT alight when he had his head inside it !
37564 was on K1 07.48 ex P'bo this morning and it does as I suspected have the Mamma Mia ad on the drivers side. At lunchtime I saw 20104 on L12 11.48 ex Peterborough running slightly late and going in the opposite direction was K15 11.59 Lynn to Peterborough with 37571 which was 19 late. Jamie R did K16 which was about 15 late heading west with 20352. Saw 17.01 Wisbech - Peterborough (K4) from a distance about 15 late with one of the Mamma Mia Geminis (probably 37570 see below). Final sighting was L13 19.59 Lynn - Peterborough which was about 5 late with 37569.
Rob Brooks was about this morning and reported the following : 20111 K2 0828 PB - LS depart PB 0834. 37570 K4 0858 PB - LS depart PB 0910, and went via Wisbech Bypass & Churchill Road to the Horsefair. 37578 was on K6 0928 PB - LS, but was only approaching Eye on the inward at 0921. 37563 was to be Y8 the 0958 PB - LS, but as of 0934, was passing Guyhirn, about 23 late. 20103 was on the Y9 0931 Wisbech - Peterboro and appeared to be on time ! (Unless everythings over 30mins late - no it really was on time Rob ). Un/id B7 heading into Wisbech via Churchill Road 1200. Assume a late running 1139 to Lowestoft (J10) ?(actually possibly J11 on time, see Bruce's note below)
Bruce had more pressing matters to attend to and says "Due to having my head and an angle grinder inside the wood burning stove (following it setting the chimney alight on Saturday night)I can only lay claim to 20104 on L12. Another B10 went to Lynn between 11.00 and 12.00 but can't remember when and there was a B7 on J11. Saw 20352 this afternoon between 15.00 and 16.00 but again can't remember exactly when" (K16 which was well late).
I have since established that Bruce's stove was NOT alight when he had his head inside it !
Sunday 30th November 2008 ~ Mamma Mia
A day of unrelenting rain throughout. The X1s seen by me were all Geminis except the 20.59 Lynn - Peterborough which was seen with B7 20352 at Walpole Highway 2 minutes early. B7 20353 which was out yesterday was at Rowan Road tonight with its bottom front panel (inc reg plate) missing, so whether it completed K4 yesterday is unclear.
The advertising chaps have visited Lynn and adorned 37570 & 37579 with large billboards promoting the new 'Mamma Mia' dvd in conjunction with Asda, both on the drivers side. I suspect 37564 may also have been fitted with them. Olympian 34933 certainly has. 37574/7 at Rowan Road escaped though. Serviceable B10s at the latter location this evening were 20105/7/11/31.
The advertising chaps have visited Lynn and adorned 37570 & 37579 with large billboards promoting the new 'Mamma Mia' dvd in conjunction with Asda, both on the drivers side. I suspect 37564 may also have been fitted with them. Olympian 34933 certainly has. 37574/7 at Rowan Road escaped though. Serviceable B10s at the latter location this evening were 20105/7/11/31.
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