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Thursday 30th September 2010 ~ A Bit Of Everything

20121 was standing in on K3 again today, with 20107 appearing on L12 - odd as it had finished at Yarmouth last night. 37567 replaced 34108 and there was more news from Lowestoft. Syd says : "Hi Gerard, Lowestoft Bus Stn this evening had nothing but 'White Elephants' in it! 37566 had arrived on the 1640 X2 from Norwich, due in 1802, 37569 was waiting to depart on the 1815 Ser 99 to Southwold and 37578 was on the stand for the 1848 X1 departure. With nothing else in the Bus Station it looked quite a sight". 37566 was also reported back in service by Michael Bryant who saw it on the 12.08 X2 to Norwich.
37576 was required for warranty work today and I'm not sure whether it was taken off L8 last night or Y7 this morning. 37563 was on Y7 by the time it reached Wisbech, passing me 4 late at 09.24. Des says "With 37563 on the 14:55 Lowestoft to K/L departed on time, lost 6-7 minutes on exiting Norwich, got that down to 2 mins down at Narborough, but heavy traffic into Lynn - London Road reduced to one lane at Millfleet with temp traffic lights so I arrived K/L 13 late. Observed 37570, K1 18:02 G/Y depart 19 late at 18:21 and 37575 on the K2 18:35 to Low departed at 19:12".
An A47 incident saw 20121 arrive into Lynn 30 late on K3 this evening and 37574 similarly delayed on K4 was 21 late from Lynn, but on time from Yarmouth. Well done Des.
37567 on L11 is thought to have run empty from Lynn to Peterborough this morning - not seen at Walpole Highway or Wisbech - Tony saw it at Queensgate ready to depart on the 12.10 to Lowestoft.

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