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Easter Monday 13th April 2009 ~ Where did it go ?

37565 and its faulty destination display is dwarfed by the South Gates as it passes on the 14.42 King's Lynn - Lowestoft this afternoon.
20103 and 20131 at Rowan Road today. 103 has a new odd bumper panel, believed to be from 20126.

In similar vein to the rest of the Holiday weekend, services were a bit unpredictable today - some ran on time, but others were up to 20 minutes in arrears. One delayed service was worked by B10M 20107 which was 17 late to Peterborough on the 10.59 from Lynn to Peterborough, just 4 late returning and on time with the 19.59 from Lynn. All other services were Gemini worked.

The mystery of how a B9 came to disappear over the weekend deepened today. Both 37573 and 37579 worked on Saturday on turns terminating at Lynn (Y14 and K7), one of these worked yesterday but was replaced by 37564 at Lowestoft but the others whereabouts is unknown. At Lynn spare today were 37568/579 in the garage together with 20352 and 20105, while 20103/131 were the only serviceable B10Ms at Rowan Road and 37576/8 were still there, both out of service.

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