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Monday 26th April 2010 ~ X1 Fans

Attempts were made to silence the fan on Gemini 37570 today and after extensive consultations with Volvo engineers, a satisfactory outcome was still not certain this evening.
570 was not the only B9 absentee today, 37568 ( possibly having an MOT) was once again missing having last worked on Tuesday and 37567 & 37569 failed to appear today also. As if this wasn't enough, 37566 on K14 had problems en route and this turn was seen on time departing Wisbech for Peterborough at 12.48 with coach 20127. The two regular Gemini substitutes were also out with 20107 on K16 and 34108 on K18. Punctuality was pretty good today and 37563 on the 09.35 from Peterborough was marginally early arriving at Wisbech. B7 37157 on L10 was almost 10 late westbound and in the afternoon 37573 on K15 was likewise on the 14.56 to Lowestoft. Worst offender was (embarassingly) The Beast on K16 which contrived to be 16 late on the 14.35 from Peterborough.

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