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More Easter Musings ~ Sunday/Monday 4 & 5 April 2010

Saturday's vehicle dispersion resulted in Yarmouth receiving 37156/7 & 20107/27 overnight. Three of these are then booked to work on Sunday and 20127 ended up remaining at Yarmouth with the other three working. B10Ms are rare on Sundays now and 20107 made a welcome change. It ended up at Lynn where it rested on Easter Monday.
Sunday saw another unusual event, or rather non-event in that none of Lowestoft's B9 allocation were in service. Easter Monday saw 37565/7 back in service and 37159 was also used on a turn ending
at Yarmouth.

Pictured are 37575 on Sunday's 10.48 Lowestoft - Peterborough, still with the Philip Morris ad and 37579 on Easter Monday's 13.10 from Peterborough carrying the latest version of the T Mobile ad.

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