I was very pleased to hear from Syd Eade again today regarding 37568, the first of the B9 Geminis to be withdrawn from X1 service pending reallocation to Lowestoft. Syd was lucky enough to be at Norwich on Monday afternoon to witness 568s last run to Peterborough on XL06-K19 and luckily for us had the camera out too :

Now to finish today I had a nice email from Jamie Skinner who says "Been getting the old Volvo Olympians for 3 weeks flat now on shorts to College in Norwich, loads better than the Geminis and new buses to me -sadly looks like they're going to be sent to the Midlands to do contract work, I personally think they should be out on the Belton number 7 run where the extra capacity would be welcome. Sad to see them go!"
Jamie took pictures on his mobile of 34112 at Norwich plus a picture of the upstairs interior, which I have reproduced here.
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