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Friday September 26th 2008 ~ FST Strikes Again

I had to go down to the BBC archives at Reading today, so Bruce was on standby to monitor the X1. My first sighting was K5 06.43 Peterborough - Lowestoft at Eye Green, already running 5 late with 20121 so this didn't bode well.
Bruce was at his window from 08.15 and like me he is finding the B7 Profiles poor at keeping the schedules. He says " 20352 0n K4 08.48 ex Pbo was 13 late, 20353 on K17 12.59 ex Lynn had lost 11 mins and 20351 on K3 13.59 ex Lynn, well it was over 10 late but my frozen groceries were melting so I had to get them in the freezer and missed it !" 65529 did K6 09.18 ex Peterborough, but it is believed to have been replaced at Lynn by 20105 off K20a. Y14 12.48 from Peterborough was its usual FST, in fact 21 late with a revived 20127 "going like the clappers".
It was mid afternoon when the timetable collapsed, the return of 20121 on K5 was 16 late and by the time it returned from Peterborough on the 15.48 it was 29 minutes in arrears. K4 with 20352 failed to appear and instead 20109 went west at 17.23 which if as expected was K4 was 35 late.
On my way back from Reading , I was very surprised to see 20505 on K20 at exactly the same point where I had encountered 20121 earlier, but this time heading for Peterborough at 20.25 - it is due off Queensgate to return at 20.28, so I calculated this to be about 25 late. Imagine my surprise when a little later it came roaring into Lynn bus station at 21.36, one minute early. So that's medals for Bruce and the driver of 505 today !
Other things today, 20107 screamed over to Lowestoft on K19a, but 20118 replaced it and did the X2 journeys and came back to Lynn. 20131/142/508 remained on schools turns.

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