Two of the new steeds at Lynn garage this evening.
The two remaining ex First Devon coaches (20351/2) arrived here earlier than expected this afternoon. The reason for the urgency is that Norfolk schools returned today and extra contracts for Smithdon High School at Hunstanton mean a greater demand on vehicles. It is hoped that the two coaches pictured will be in service tomorrow to ease the shortage. 20120 was also being repaired this evening and 20353 was alongside it also being attended to.
On the X1 there were a couple of maintenance swaps with 20505 on the 09.18 ex Peterborough (K6) being replaced by 20502 at Lynn and later 20508 on the K17 09.55 ex Lowestoft was replaced by 20131 from Lynn, seen passing Terrington St. John 18 late. At Lowestoft, 20105 on the 10.10 arrival (K18) was replaced by 20127 for the 10.25 return. This meant the two remaining Barbie liveried B10s were seen by Bruce within 25 mins of each other. Mention was made recently of the 07.45 ex Lowestoft (L13) changing vehicles at Norwich on occasion and this happened again today with 20124 off K19 from Lynn returning westbound. 20103 worked K19 into Lynn tonight.
A mystery left over from yesterday is what did last evening's 20.42 Lynn - Lowestoft as 20504 which left Peterborough on it at 19.18 was back at Lynn this morning.
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