Today the main focus of interest was in the East again. 20127 which had been expected to appear out of Yarmouth was replaced by 60863 which did Y13. Meanwhile, Lowestoft produced 'The Beast' which was seen by Sam on what was thought to be the 08.38 X2 from Norwich. Later in the morning 37156 was noted with the 11.38 from Norwich. Surprising then, that L10 was provided with 34108. Later this afternoon there was more fun with X1 buses off route (see James Race's pictures above). Thanks also to Syd for his help here.
Late running was again a feature today with buses tending to lose around 15 minutes during the middle of the day. 37567 was worst offender being 14 late on L11 to Peterborough and 35 late returning. it had however recovered most of this tonight and was only 10 late into King's Lynn.
Paragon 20501 was active today on K3, while there is an unconfirmed report that the other spare Paragon is standing in for a B10M on Hunstanton schools contracts. 20118 & 20121 are the other two coaches rostered.
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