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Monday 26th October 2009 ~ Right Hand Man To The Rescue

I was in a lot of pain this morning and when I manged to finally get to the PC, I found the following email from Bruce addressed to me and a few others :
Can't find the Blogmeister so far today so watching more carefully than usual.

So far today at 11.09:-
K2 a B10M running a couple of minutes early(Curses!)
K3 20109
K5 37160
Y6 579
Y7 563
L8 578
Y9 575
L10 570
L11 20103

This was later added to thus :
Well I have found the Blogmeister - he still has gout (like all retired Colonels in the Household Cavalry)
Anyway to complete the picture (late evening swaps excluded):-

K1 569
K2 20104
L12 perpetually late 568
Y13 572
K14 566
K15 577
K16 576
K17 37158
K18 565
K19 573

Now whats for tea?

A thorough rundown there then and it only remains for me to fill in the swaps, of which there only seems to have been one. 37160 on K5 was kept at Lowestoft (tut tut) and 37567 came back in its place. An email from Sam and Jamie V alerting me to the fact that 37575 had expired at Gunton Tesco on the last leg of Y9 came to nothing as 575 came into Lynn as expected. Thanks once again to BB for all his hard work today.

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