That man Des was in touch today, he obviously feels sorry for me having read about my failure to transfer mobile phone pictures to my PC ! Speaking of mobiles Des says
"I don't know if you've noticed but many people now access the internet on their mobile phone. The X1 Blog doesn't particularly render too well on a mobile, but, I've being playing around and have come up with this link.
If the above address is typed into a browser address bar on either a phone or a home computer, it renders the X1 Blog for mobile viewing. If you find this useful, then just add the link to your blog page".
Clever stuff hey, Des continues : "What do you think of having a mobile friendly page that links to many blogs and bus sites? Blogs are best as they tend to contain far less images than the photo sites, here's an example :"
Well I hope some of you will find that useful, fascinating stuff.
Today was a Gemini operated service with departures eastbound from Lynn commencing with the 06.50 producing 37564, 37578, 37562, 37566, 37563, 37565, 37568, 37569, 37570 & 37574.
37564 had a problem though this evening and the 19.35 King's Lynn to Lowestoft was given 37160 as a replacement.

Not the best photo I've ever taken. 37564 against a stormy sky at around 17.10 tonight, but it does show the 'Good Luck England' poster above the bodyside 'X1'. 37160 later replaced 564 on this turn.
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