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Saturday 6th September 2008 ~ A Big Mistake ?

20104 at Lynn depot this afternoon
Saw Richard today and as the man in charge of the B9 maintenance you would expect him to know pretty accurately how things are fareing. " They are a disaster mate, they should have gone for new coaches" was his verdict. Problems with leaking bodywork we've already mentioned, but the situation regarding Adblu failures has become acute. Almost every night B9s are being admitted to King's Lynn Volvo for Adblu problems. Take Thursday when 37565 failed at Necton (on K7 ?) and had to be driven back to Lynn, it was immediately taken in to Volvo for remedial work.

The Profiles are not having a good time either. Today 20353 was under repair at Vancouver Avenue having attention to its front bodywork again, while 20352 on K3 failed at Lowestoft and had to be driven back empty and exchanged for 20104 which had come in to Lynn on Friday night on K19. This meant Lowestoft had to provide a vehicle for the 10.55 to Peterborough (K3) and this was 20111 off an X2. The service in front of it (K18) was 22 late going west at Terrington with 37566 and according to the Facebook & EAB groups, this lost more time and eventually passengers were transferred on to 20111 at Dereham on the return 14.48 from Peterborough. 20117 was at Lynn compound today having done Hunstanton schools yesterday afternoon and also there were 20500/01 which are due to go to Essex on Monday. 20107/109/118 were all on Hunstanton diagrams today.

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