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Monday May 11th 2009 ~ 107 In Fine Damn Action !

37577 was photographed by Rob Brooks at Lynn on Saturday afternoon having an unofficial break on K4. To the left is former X1 regular 20123.
Lynn bus station this evening with 37576 in the centre after arriving on Y9 at 19.14 from Lowestoft. 20352 is to the right about to replace 20353 in the background for the 19.50 to Peterborough.

Had a rather odd text from Jamie R tonight saying ' 107 in fine damn action if I may say so !' - he'd spotted it in Peterborough this evening and apparently it may have done L12 all day. If so it had evaded Bruce and myself. I did however see it arriving at Wisbech a minute early at 22.54 tonight after my crib match.

Another B10M out today was 20126 which ended up at Lowestoft tonight off K16. Most remarkable thing today though was the appearance of all three B7 Profiles in traffic for the first time since goodness knows when (28th March actually). 20351 had an exam at Vancouver Avenue but was then called upon to work K5 to Peterborough at 17.15 after 37572 had arrived with a smashed destination screen glass. Many thanks to Andy for the info and pictures which I've not yet managed to transfer from my phone to the PC - well I'm old you see. 20352 was already out on K3 and 20353 which presents a rather forlorn sight with its plain front end was used on L10. Tonight though there was a rather unusual swap when 20353 was taken off this turn and 20352 which had arrived 45 minutes earlier on K3 was summoned from the depot to take over and work the 19.50 to Peterborough. All B9s were accounted for today except 37570 (presumed still off the road at Yarmouth) and 37574 at Full Circle.

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