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Sunday 21st December 2008 ~ Blog Resumed

20105 and 20104 sharing the shortest day of the year at Rowan Road this afternoon

Sorry for the lack of a blog over the past few days, my Mother who lives with me has been confined to bed with one of these dreadful bugs which seem so prevalent these days. I think she is over the worst thank goodness.

A quick look at what you've reported - having been stuck at home, I haven't seen anything myself until today.

THURSDAY : Michael reported K19, the X2 turn with Gemini 37576, both at lunchtime and in the evening. 20107 also on X2s. 20104 on K16 13.48 ex Peterborough.

FRIDAY : Bruce reported 20111 heading for Lynn 23 minutes late on L12 11.48 ex P'bo. 20121, 20106 and of course 20141 were at Rowan Road along with 20505 which is now ready for departure.

SATURDAY : Kieron said that there were coaches on four X1 turns today. 20107 was the star being 27 late on L13 at lunch and only 2 late tonight.

SUNDAY : Today I escaped from the house for a while as my sister came round and she looked after Mum. All in all saw all but two of the X1 turns - there are only nine on Sundays - all were Geminis. 37566 was showing a good turn of speed doing 60 solid down the A47 to Lynn - had wondered if it would exceed this, but a dawdling car got in its way. At Rowan Road there was a fine line up of B10Ms, these being 20103/4/5/7/9/11/21/31/41. Noticeable by their absence were B9s with only 37571 present and I couldn't see any in Vancouver Avenue either. No profiles seen either, but they may have been locked up in the garage.

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