What do you mean it's ALL trivial ?? Today's trivia is the fact that 37579 did K14, the first eastbound departure from King's Lynn to Lowestoft at 05.37 for the first time since 17th June. I hope you are all impressed ! B7 37159 returned from Yarmouth on the first turn (Y6) this morning but was taken off at King's Lynn at 08.07 and the service departed to Peterborough at 08.15 with 37577 fresh off an oil change.
Coach 20107 continued its remarkable run - it is even more in demand now following last weeks demise of 20103 & 20104 - and was out for an eighth consecutive day. Andy reported it arriving 15 late on Y7 this evening and it was still sitting in Lynn bus station two hours afterwards. Just for the record 20107 had been on time this morning.
Gemini 37566, which seems to absentee more than its sisters, was off the road for servicing today and 34108 did L11 as a result. L8 was worked by 37565 after it had been serviced yesterday.
Timekeeping was better than of late and the Peterborough congestion only contibuted an eleven minute delay to K3 and K4 this morning, 37160 and 37569 were on these. I followed 37158 early this afternoon and it positively staggered up to the A47 flyover at Walpole on K17.
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