This is the unofficial blog for the Peterborough - Norwich XL bus service operated by First Group. Originally reporting the introduction of the 'Gemini' double deckers and the phasing out of coaches, the blog is now incredibly in its twelfth year and in 2021 the new fleet of state of the art double deckers enter their second year in traffic. To contact me with your observations/experiences on the XL, email gerardtcc@gmail.com .
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Tuesday (thanks Sam !) 30th June 2009 ~ Seaside Special

Monday 29th June 2009 ~ Travelogue
I travelled from Ipswich to Lowestoft by train and the X1 from Lowestoft to Lynn on 37567 - fantastic,then on 30888 to Hunstanton Bl--dy hell those seats upstairs on the Alx400 were very hard, but scenery fantastic. Came back on the coastal flyer to Lynn and I still don't like the Solo,nippy,but the road noise ! Back to Norwich on 37567 again, home on the class 90.
The following day to Lowestoft again, then on 37568 to JPH Gorleston, 66959 into Yarmouth, a wee bite, then later to Norwich on 37568. I saw 32852 at Surrey St about to leave for Sheringham so hopped on and I must admit it was a superb ride as far as Cromer. Caught the 18.00 train to Norwich and the 19.00 to Ipswich. Now! personally if you try an equal a bus with a coach, you will always be on a loser hence the moaners. I thoroughly enjoyed my two day chase around, so did my good lady. So in 10 years time, lets hope they bring back the new type of Paragons or even Elites so the guys out there who seem to have a crack at most things will be happy again, OR WILL THEY ? I recall all the comments about the B10's & B12's and the reliability problems,will history repeat itself i wonder ? I hope I'm around to make comments. I also think how lucky you are to have such a fantastic service in the X1, running from Suffolk through Norfolk into Cambridgeshire on a half hourly basis, my word I am jealous".
When Jim talks about the moaners, can I make it clear that this is not a personal attack on Rob B. I think Jim is referring to many enthusiasts who took some mileage out of the reliability latterly of the coaches. Sounds like an interesting couple of days out Jim, just can't understand how you never fell upon a B10M ! The influx of Tridents seem to be spreading their wings from Norwich and today Michael Bryant saw 32857 on the 15.08 Norwich - Beccles X2. In contrast 20105 which stayed over at Lowestoft on Saturday was also on X2 duties today.
So to today's X1 and considering the high temperatures which we had today and which are forecast to last all week, the service did well. Fourteen services were B9 operated which is the highest proportion of these out for some time. Missing were accident damaged 37571, 37578 awaiting seatbelts which could be arriving this week and 37575 which is at King's Lynn on MOT. The shortfall was made up by 20106 on K3 (again), 20107 on Y7 and 20103 on K18, this latter was 13 late through Walpole heading west this afternoon. Profiles out were 20352 on L8 and 20353 on K5. 20351 remained at Lowestoft but was not reported in use. Many thanks to Bruce for sightings today. Tonight Richard and myself had a look at 37568 which has 82309 miles on the odometer and 80112 on the wheel hub so may be the latter was fitted after entry into service. Either way it is a huge mileage for a vehicle which has only been in service since 23rd October last and even the lower figure equates to 320 miles every single day if my calculations are correct.
Sunday 28th June 2009 ~ Hot Under The Collar

Saturday 27th June 2009 ~ Static Exhibit

Friday 26th June 2009 ~ It Never Rains But It Pours.....

Thursday 25th June 2009 ~ Game, Set & Match
Punctuality was pretty reasonable today, the maximum lateness noted being 10 minutes which affected lunchtime services from Wisbech to Peterborough. This afternoon the B198 Lynn Road at Wisbech reopened after repairs for subsidence and the temporary diversion for eastbound services via the A1101 finished.
King's Lynn used 20105 today on K2 and 20106 did what is fast becoming its regular turn, K3. 20115 was not seen today, but it seems likely that it did actually work the first leg of Y7 to Peterborough and back to Lowestoft where 37566 replaced it. 20118 turned up on L11 this morning replacing 37563 at King's Lynn for unknown reasons. 20123 was not out today though after it failed at Wisbech yesterday afternoon with a fuel leak whilst working K3. Unusual today was the use of Lowestoft's 37565 on a Lynn internal turn, K5. The mileage on this one is significantly lower than other B9s due to periods of inactivity and currently reads 59576. Compare this to 37566 which has been off the road for accident repairs twice and still exceeds this figure having done 63266. These are both dwarfed by 37563 which tonight had done 77289. Some B9s have already had replacement hub meters fitted, 37569 for example shows 15125 and 37570 06880.
Profile 20353 was L12 this morning but was changed at Lynn for 37577. Michael Bryant reports 20352 as being on the X2 for most of the day, he first saw it in Beccles at 07.30 and it was still out at 14.30. 20103 was also used on the X2 today. The other B7, 20351 saw more conventional use on K17.
Wednesday 24th June 2009 ~ A New Route ?
B10Ms on X1 duty today were 20104 as mentioned above on the first part of K2 and following it this morning were a rather rough sounding 20123 on K3 and then 20107 on K4 which somehow managed to lose 27 minutes on the 08.45 from Peterborough by the time it passed Bruce at Walpole Highway. This evening it was only around six late. 20115 was again used on a B9 turn from Lynn, this time on K18. From the coast all turns were B9s except Y7 which had 20106.
Mike F was in touch to say that the old K2 diagram on the X2, the 15.38 Lowestoft - Norwich etc had 37569 today explaining its 'no show' on the X1.
The advertising campaign by 'Easyjet' has claimed the passenger side of all the B9s except 37577 which retains a Cadbury's Twisted ad.
Tuesday 23rd June 2009 ~ Geminis On Holiday
A better showing by the B9s today with all but 37565/71/78 reaching Peterborough on the X1. Profile 20353 on K15 failed to reappear on the 09.26 from Lowestoft and 20104 was substituted. This was 12 late going to Peterborough but only 6 late coming back. Other B10Ms helping out today were 20123 which did K4 until 19.28 when it was replaced at King's Lynn by 20106 which had just come in having completed K3. Any guesses what the other B10M out today was ? Well it was 20115 of course (who'd have thought we'd have been saying that a few weeks ago). This did Y13 which means it should get back to Lynn at 00.28 tonight.
Gemini 37563 was seen this evening and it has now amassed 77083 miles since its debut last October. One of the newer B9s 37572 had 71598 on the clock yesterday evening and a quick check tonight saw that this had risen to 71917. This conveniently tells us that turn K5 which is what it had done between the two readings covers approx 319 miles. (KL-Pbo-Lft-Pbo-KL).
The Easyjet advertisements are now carried on the passenger side of almost all B9s. Bruce and myself monitored punctuality today which was very good.
Monday 22nd June 2009 ~ Just The Seven
With all this coach activity, B9s were somewhat thinner on the ground than usual. 37578 remains at Rowan Road, 37571 stored with accident damage and 37565 has simply disappeared it would seem.
Sunday 21st June 2009 ~ Log for the longest day

Saturday 20th June 2009 ~ Computers dontcha hate 'em
Bruce and myself saw only one B10M out today, this being 20103 on L12, the out and back turn. Jamie R sent a text to say 'lots of 100s out' which rather puzzled me, turned out he'd seen 20104 on K4, 20106 on L11 and 20103 (L12). This wasn't all either as Y7 turned up with 20115 which has rapidly risen from being the rarest B10M to the most common. Since its reappearance on June 11th, it has been in use every day ! Coaches were prominent today with B7s 20352 on K3 and 20353 on K19. Following its MOT on Thursday 20353 has re-emerged with a repainted front so it now sports the 'First' lettering once more but has lost its fleet number which was in a smaller font than 20351/2.
The 'Easyjet' advert which has been carried by various B9s since around April 23rd has now been supplemented by a second version which looks very similar. 37568 now has this on its passenger side and 37573 has had the original version replaced with the new one. 573 also has the 'Public Enemies' advert now. 37578 seems to get all the new adverts going, but is still out of use - it currently carries Public Enemies/Easyjet V2/LV Com.
B9s out today were 37563/4/6/8/9/70/72-77/79. I haven't seen 37565 since Monday and our last report of it is from Michael on the X2 on Tuesday.
Friday 19th June 2009 ~ X2 happenings

There have been several appearances of X1 vehicles on the X2 this week. Firstly on Tuesday 37565 was seen on this service and on the same day 20103 & 20123 were also seen, Wednesday saw the same two B10Ms out, while on Thursday 20103 performed in the morning and 20104 in the afternoon. Today 37567 arrived at Lowestoft on the 14.40 arrival (Y7) and this was then sent out on the 15.38 X2 to Norwich. Y7 continued with 37574. Thanks to Michael for this information. This was part of a series of Gemini swaps at Lowestoft. First turn affected was K5 which had 37574 changed for 37576, the latter had been spare at Lowestoft as it did not return to Lynn last night on K15 and instead 20123 was sent back. 37569 on Y9 was swapped for 37566 and 569 then went onto L11 which is believed to have been 37572 in the morning. At King's Lynn, L10 changed vehicles in the middle of the day with 37579 being changed for 37570.
All three Profiles were out on King's Lynn internal diagrams. The B10M count was four, these being 20104 on L12, 20106 on K16, 20115 on K4 and 20123 seen racing towards Walpole Highway this morning on K2. Y13 was not seen but Bruce thinks it was a B9 and not 20127 which had been expected.
Hunstanton schools turns today were 20105/18/31. 20121 remains 'broken' at Rowan Road along with Gemini 37578 which has now not been on the road since May 29th. Local Scania 65528 has at last left this location for major repairs.
Timekeeping on the X1 was not too bad for a Friday particularly considering the Wisbech diversion mentioned in previous blogs. Worst culprit was K14 which was 20 late westbound from Wisbech with 37568 and 18 late returning.
Thursday 18th June 2009 ~ Changing Times
Only turn not reported today was K17 which seems likely to have been either 37570 or 37575. B10Ms out today were fairly predictable : 20105 as listed above, 20106 on K5, 20115 on Y7 and 20127 on K18. Some evening observations were kindly sent to me by Andrew James and there is a link to his King's Lynn bus blog in my 'links' section. Andrew reports :
All observations made at KLN bus station.
1702 LOW - 20127 - DEP 2 LATE
1715 PBO - 20106 - DEP 3 LATE
1732 LOW - 37563 - DEP 5 LATE
1745 PBO - 37579 - DEP ON TIME
1802 LOW - 37577 - DEP ON TIME
1810 ARR FROM LOW - 20115
1832 LOW - 37572 - DEP 7 LATE
1853 ARR FROM PBO - 37574
1910 ARR FROM LOW - 37573
1932 LOW - 37567 - DEP 5 LATE
The strangest thing here is that 37574 and 37572 have swapped turns compared to this morning. Presumably because 37572 was terminated short at Yarmouth on K3. The two unidentified turns were L8 at 18.50 with 37569 and L10 at 19.50 with 20105. Thanks once again to Andy for his help.
Wednesday 17th June 2009 ~ Tales of a Lonesome Blogger
King's Lynn despatched just two B10Ms today, these being the two new flagship boys : 20106 on K3 and 20115 on K4. 20105 had a rare day off and had new tyres fitted. 37568 has the Ice Age 3 ad along with 37564, while 37567 has gained the 'Public Enemies' banner having lost its 'Hangover' one after only a few days. 567 has also lost its NCC ad on the back.
The subsidence which has affected Lynn Road in Wisbech means all eastbound services are still leaving via the A1101, while westbound services either arrive via the normal route - with a consequent delay in the region of 5 minutes - or take the A1101 route. Bruce is indisposed until the weekend with house guests, so sightings are my own unless stated. Yesterday 20118 expired at Wisbech on L8 just before 11am and had to be taken to Lynn garage for a new alternator.
Speaking of 118, 37566 was unable to work Y6 westbound from Lynn tonight at 17.45 and 20118 was substituted.
Tuesday 16th June 2009 ~ Six Again
This anyway would appear to be the case. Michael phoned this evening and said that it had been an unusually diverse day on the X2 with 37565 of all things on the old K19 turn as well as 20103 and 20123 in action. On the X1 B10Ms were equally prominent. Today's list is 20104 on K18, 20105 (surely an award winner ?) on K5, 20106 on K3, 20115 on Y13, 20118 working L10 forward from Lynn this morning after the incoming vehicle (believed to be 37577) was removed and not to be outdone, 20127 on K2.
Of the B7s, 20351 did L12 which ran 14 minutes late past Bruce to Peterborough and 20352 was K17. As previously advised, 20353 is having an MOT this week. 37569 reappeared today on L11 complete with the 'Public Enemies' ad. Bruce oversaw this morning's activities and says :
Many thanks to Bruce and all my usual contacts for keeping things going in my absence. the late blog this evening is due to PC probs at this end.
Monday 15th June 2009 ~ Back To Reality

K2 - 3 late at 08.37 with 20351 eastbound but noted with 37577 on the 16.04 westbound
K3 - 20105 eastbound at 09.13 9 late but on time at 16.34 westbound
K4 - 37576 at 09.44 10 late going east.
K5 - 37573 7 late westbound at 08.09 and 8 late eastbound at 10.12
Y6 - 20103 on time at 08.32 westbound.
Y7 - 37566 on time at 09.04 westbound
L8 - 37568 2 early westbound at 09.32 and 4 late on its return
Y9 - 20352 on time at 10.04 westbound
L10 - 37572 on time westbound at 10.34
L11 - 37567 on time both westbound at 11.04 and eastbound at 13.04
L12 - 20104 3 late westbound at 11.37 and 4 late on its return at 13.38
Y13 - 20127 on time at 12.04 westbound
K14 - Missed the blighter completely
K15 - 37574 at 15.xx eastbound, exact time not noted
K16 - 37573 3 late westbound at 13.37
K17 - 20106 at 16.xx eastbound - exact time not noted
K18 - 37567 19 late at 16.53 eastbound (see L11 above)
K19 - 37579 6 late at 07.37 east bound and on time at 15.04 coming back
And now the Blogmeister says there are even more swaps this evening. There is no doubt that depending on which side of Lynn you live, the X1 can produce two different stories.
Well as always, swaps took place and of turns we know changed we have K2 which had 20351 early on, this was taken off at Lowestoft where 37577 took over and 20351 was held over to work the next leg of Y6. Y6 itself was originally 20103 but this just worked Yarmouth - Peterborough and back to Lowestoft. Y7 was peculiar, starting out with 37566, this was removed at Lynn for the 11.29 to Lowestoft and 37575 substituted, however, Ryan reports this at Yarmouth tionight with a smashed rear window which probably accounts for 37564 doing the second leg which ends up at Lynn. L11 was 37567 but this became embroiled in the swaps and instead of proceeding to Lowestoft at 13.32, the aforementioned 37566 took over with 567 the doing K18 at 14.15 to Yarmouth in place of 37570 which looks to have failed yet again. 37565 was the B9 which evaded Bruce on K14.
Unavailable vehicles are 20121 and 37578, both still floundering at Rowan Road plus crash damaged 37571 of course. 20353 is on MOT this week and today 37569 was absent for a fourth consecutive day. B10Ms had a field day once again with 20103 on Y6a, 20104 doing L12 and 20105 K3. 20106 maintained its new found frontline status on K17 while even more amazingly 20115 appeared for a fifth consecutive day, this time on K1. Completing the line up was 20127 on Y13.
37578 as mentioned above is still demic at Rowan Road and has had acquired a new dropdown ad for the film 'Public Enemies'. This means it never carried the 'Hangover' ad in service ! 20118 and 2021 have both gained side adverts for Sure Start Childrens centre on both sides, this is the first time 121 has carried adverts. Meanwhile 37564 also has a new drivers side ad for the film 'Ice Age'.
Friday - Sunday, June 12th - 14th 2009 ~ Your Blog
Bruce reports :-
A visit to Rowan Road at 11.45 revealed 65528 and 20121 still poorly, 20118/31 on contracts, 34933 spare and 34921 on crew shuttles.
Vancouver Avenue at 13.05 had 37572, 65532 and a B7R on No.1 pit
So K1 was very late at 15.34 but only 14 late to Lynn with 37570 at 17.48.
K2 was 20115 3 late to Peterborough at 16.07
K3 was 20105 3 late at 09.07 to Peterborough but on time coming back at 16.34
K4 was 20353 on time at 07.31 to Peterborough and 19 late at 09.23 but more of K4 later.
K5 was 37563 6 late to Lynn in the morning but near enough on time at 17.34
Y6 was 37568 19 late at 10.23 going steadily to Lynn
Y7 on time with 20106 at 09.04 and 7 late on its return to Lynn
L8 and and Y9 were both on time to Peterborough with 37566 and 37573 and I missed L10 as it was a B9 on time. But when viewed at lunchtime from Tescos at Hardwick 37566 appeared to be running on Y9s times with 37565 following hard on its heels on L10.However 37566 was L8 on time again at 19.08.
L11 was on time at 11.04 with 20126 but 13 late returning.
L12 was 20353 making its second journey (SWAP) to Peterborough (See K4) on time at 11.34 and completed the rest of L12's turns as well.
Y13 was 37577 2 late to Lynn at 14.06 and K14 37576 6 late at 14.30
K15 blotted its copy book with 37564 being 18 late to Lynn at 15.22.
K16 was 37575 on time to Peterborough at 13.34 but 15 late reurning.
Similarly K17 and 37574 were on time to Peterborough at 14.04 and 18 late returning.
K18 went to Peterborough on time at 14.34 with 37567 and then 37572 turned up on time at 15.04 with K19 (SWAP).
Now I knew K4 would have something different , having taken over from 20353, but while nonchalantly weeding out the front and pretending not to be waiting for an X1, nothing prepared me for 20123 - yes, 20123 coming over the flyover on K4
12 late on K4 at 19.22 heading for Lynn!!!
So ends a remarkable Friday: 1 Profile and 5 B10Ms
Andrew James says : "
make some X1 observations for you being that you are away.
All observations made at Kings Lynn bus station.
1332 LOW - 20126 - 17 LATE
1345 PBO - 37574 - ON TIME
1402 LOW - 20353 - 12 LATE
1415 PBO - 37567 - ON TIME
1432 LOW - 37577 - ON TIME
1502 LOW - 37567 - ON TIME
1515 PBO - 37570 - ON TIME
1532 LOW - 37564 - 15 LATE
1545 PBO - 20115 - 5 LATE
1602 LOW - 37575 - 10 LATE
1615 PBO - 20105 - ON TIME
- - -
1732 LOW - 37572 - 10 LATE
1745 PBO - 37568 - ON TIME
1802 LOW - 37570 - 10 LATE
1832 LOW - 20115 - 15 LATE
1850 PBO - 37566 - ON TIME
and more from Bruce....
When a B10M passes by the bungalow to Peterborough, it hits the gradient up to the flyover and the gearbox changes down very distinctively. The B12Ms never did this, the B9s don't do it and the B7Rs are powered by rubber bands apparently. Consequently I was roused from my pit on Saturday morning by a B10M going to Peterborough on Y7 just after 09.00. Looking at the flyover a B10 I thought I recognised was passing another one coming towards me. This proved to be 20118 on K3. A good start to the day for Bruce's maxim : Old is good.
Half an hour later L8 had 37575 and K4 treated me to 20126
Things got even better in my eyes at 11.04 with Y9 and 20106 and K5 with 20105!
Normality (Does it ever occur on the X1?) returned at 11.34 with 37570 on L10 and 37567 on Y6.
Mowing the front lawn ensured I saw 37576 on L11 and, as I suspected , 20123 11 late on Y7 to Lynn.
L8 was 8 late returning with 37575 but L12 had defeated me by running early with a B10M.
Y13 was 37566, K14 another B9, K15 37573, K16 37564 and K18 37565.
Patience was rewarded by L12 coming back from Peterborough 16 late with 20115.
In Lynn in the afternoon, 20109 was spare at 14.30 at Vancouver Avenue but appeared to have been used by 17.00. 37577 was seen on No.2 pit.
20351 departed for the coast on K17 and K1 had 37579 and K2 37572.
Rob Brooks adds, 37563 was the 1335 Peterborough - Lowestoft (K14)
Sunday 14th June 2009
SUNDAYS are not very special, so 37573 went to Peterborough at 09.10 passing 37566 going to Lynn. 37565 was heading west at 11.10 and the rest of the day was a procession of White Elephants.
UNTIL Tina went out to shut the chickens in at 21.10 and announced a single decker had gone to Peterborough!
Now at night I am on the wrong side of the road to observe registration numbers so at 23.05 I crossed the road, clad only in shorts, t shirt and slippers - I know I am completely mad but the X1 does that to you. It was 5 late, the X1 all awry , the destination twisted but I firmly believe I saw 20115. The number plate lights were appalling, surely not legal but I am almost 100% certain it said 615.
Rob adds that 37575 was the 15.10 from Peterborough.
Thursday 11th June 2009 ~ The Rarest Of Them All ?

Wednesday 10th June 2009 ~ Concentration Required
Another allegation from yesterday which was incorrect (never let it be said that I don't admit to errors ) was that stating that 37570 worked yesterday evening. In fact it was 37569 (again) off Y7 which took K2 forward in place of 37563. It looks as though 570 has gone back to Volvo yet again, but this needs confirmation.
The emergency roadworks at Wisbech mentioned in yesterday's report continued today with Anglian Water representatives making slow progress. This meant all X1s were diverted via the eastern bypass and Elme Hall roundabout to arrive at Wisbech via the A1101. This diversion seemed to be official and the Walton Road stop was only served by Norfolk Green services today. Delays were therefore only slight and soon absorbed into the new revised timings. The first signs of anything other than a B7 or B9 this morning were nearer lunchtime when L11 passed through Wisbech westbound with 20105. This was a substitute at Lynn, possibly for 37576. Next up was 20106 which made a day of it by working L12 throughout. Tonight it was on time into Wisbech on its way back home at 22.55. Y13 then turned up with the missing 37576 and it is thought that this turn may have started out with 20104, but following the borrowing of 20105 for L11, then may be 104 was pinched for schools work. Only other B10M seen today was 20126 which rather strangely did an internal Lynn turn, K15 while Profile 20352 was turned out on K14 which ends at Lowestoft. The other two B7s were 20351 on K3 and 20353 on K17.
Advance warning now that I am away in Cumbria from Friday until Monday so any sightings will be gratefully received and a blog covering this period will hopefully be appearing on Monday next, gen permitting.
Tuesday 9th June 2009 ~ Rarities

Monday 8th June 2009 ~ Smooth Operators
Sunday 7th June 2009 ~ Quick Work

Saturday 6th June 2009 ~ Profiles Pull It Off

Friday 5th June 2009 ~ Well Done 105
For a Friday, most services were quite punctual, in fact Rob reports 37576 running about 5 early at Guyhirn on the 20.10 from Peterborough. Latest service seen was L11 at lunchtime which Bruce says was about 20 late going east. Rob also reports that at last the revised timetables have appeared at Wisbech bus station. 37578 remained at Rowan Road today awaiting seatbelts. Ironically it has a new advert on the side for a film called 'Hangover'. 37565 retains the original Nokia advert with the blue background when seen this evening.
Thursday 4th June 2009 ~ Election Time
Well Gerard handed the blog over to me today - something similar to putting Paul Merton in charge of a monastery, while he disappeared off to the Welney Marsh to act as invigilator for the European elections - first four customers: 3 moorhens and a cuckoo that had got lost. I was deprived of a vote as there was no local candidate for the 'Monster Raving Refurbish a B10M' party.
So, at 07.31 I awoke to admire 37567 waddling by on K18. I missed the 08.01 pair but noted 37575 on Y6, K2 apparently running early.
At 09.02 Y7 was B7 20351 2 minutes early and then K3 passed by 5 minutes late with a B10M.
At 09.34 Y8 was on time with 37565, followed by K4 at 09.48 yes its 14 late - its 568!
37579 was on time at 10.04 but K5 had not arrived by 10.22. I had to pop over to Spalding but at Sutton Bridge power station realised I had left the pond filling. An abrupt about turn, scrupulously abiding by the speed limit past Gerards abode in case his Mum has a speed gun beside her chair and then back into the village. Rather a lot of people at our stop for mid morning and here comes 37575 on Y6 only 8 late. Except it wasn't Y6 or 37575 even - but K5 with 37576 no less than 38 minutes late!
Back on duty at 13.45 , K17 with 20352 and Y13 with 37574 were both on time at 14.04.
Similarly 37567 on K18 and 37564 on K14 were also on time at 14.34. 37573 was as good as gold on K19 at 15.04 but coming over the flyover 11 minutes late at 15.15 was 20118 plus gaffer tape on K15.
37569 was on time at 15.34 with K1 and 20104 only 3 late with K16, henceforth known as the 'Gorleston'. I later learn from Gerard that K16 must have started out with something else as 104 was over at Lowestoft. 37577 was 5 late with K2 at 16.09 but K17 and 20352 even later and not seen. (However, Judith did see it Bruce in the region of 15 late, G)
16.39 saw K3 return and with 20105 as suspected and only 5 late. Not seen were L10, L11, and L12. Well I have missed L10 while typing this but it will be back at 22.08, L11 won't come anywhere near again tonight and L12 is due at 21.08 (it was 37570 !).
Post script: I once bought some boiler tubes for the Thompson B1 Society's loco 61264. Would Richard let us sponsor a new panel or two for 20118 in its time of need?
With voting completed at Lakesend, I hastened over to Lynn with the ballot box and after delivering it had a quick look in at Vancouver Avenue. 37563 was present so almost certainly L11 today, 37575 had just arrived and had obviously 'jumped' from Y6 to L10 and also seen were 20105, 20351, 37579 and a very dumped looking 20353. At Rowan Road, 20106 at last looked repaired and mysteriously 20103 was present having done school contract No. 5 this afternoon. 37578 was back awaiting inspection, but 37572 had gone to Volvo. It would all be rather convenient if 37566 did the first leg of K16 and then switched to Y6, but who knows ?
Wednesday 3rd June 2009 ~ Pre Watershed Blog

Tuesday 2nd June 2009 ~ 'You Wait Until It Gets Warm'

Monday 1st June 2009 ~ The Beast Tamed