The B9 Geminis are still under warranty of course and Volvo have certainly pulled out the stops this week to ensure that vehicles returned to them with injector faults are back on the road as quickly as possible. 37578 was only away for three days but since its return has not re-entered service due to it requiring new seatbelts (see previous blogs), while 37572 was back after just two days away. It went back into service on K19 yesterday and was out again today. Two turns were involved with vehicle changes today, firstly Y5 had 37567 this morning and then 37569 this evening after changing buses at Lowestoft. Secondly K6 began with 37577, it was then changed at Lowestoft for 37579 and this in turn looks to have been swapped at King's Lynn for 20353 !
Timekeeping was pretty good yesterday but today several services were at least 10 minutes late.
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