There were a few surprises today, not least of which was B10M 20109 being used on K3 to counter the unavailability of B7 37156. K18 was also an exception to a low floor service with 34108 still earning its keep. At the Lowestoft end there was more interest, firstly 37566 on K1 was changed for 37564 and this then allowed 37566 to work the 14.08 X2 to Norwich. An hour later Michael Bryant phoned to say that the 15.08 X2 also had a B9 with 37565 doing the honours. He also saw President 32207 on a Beccles school contract operated by Lowestoft garage.
Peter sent a text earlier to say that yet another alternative route into Wisbech was in use with 37567 on K4 taking Elm Low Road instead of Churchill Road. A few X1s ran via the correct route down Nene Quay on their way to Peterborough and seen were 37577 on L10 10.18, 37159 on L12 11.48, 37570 on K16 13.48 and later 37578 on L10 20.22.
Sam says he's heard that Gemini 37571 should be returning to the fleet shortly, following its fatal accident at Thorney last year.
Thanks to everyone who has contributed lately, especially Bruce, who is X1 observer in chief again tomorrow as I am over at Long Sutton.