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Saturday 30th January 2010 ~ The Wind of Change

The scene at Rowan Road today with 20106 (withdrawn), 20123 (pending repair), 20105 (to be withdrawn this coming week) and 20118 (still in service).

All observations were made during the morning and the following were noted :

K1 37576; K2 37577; K3 37575; K4 37565; K5 37573
Y6 37566; Y7 34108; L8 37569; L9 37579; Y10 37572; L11 20107; L12 37570; Y13 37159
K14 37568; K15 37578; K16 37157; K17 37562; K18 37156 & K19 37574
Somewhat surprising was the use of 20107 when 37563, 37564 & 37567 were all at Lowestoft. Neither of the B12 Paragons were used today on the X1.
This coming week promises some change when on Thursday 20105 is to be delicensed because of an expired MOT. On Monday morning 20106 and 20109 are due to be towed to Rowntree Way, Norwich for attention. 20106 is now withdrawn - it had last worked at the end of December and 20109 is to have its engine repaired. Once it is returned to traffic, 20123 is also due to be repaired for return to traffic. With the exception of 20102 which was last reported back at Clacton, this leaves 20107 as the oldest B10M remaining in service.

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