I've had a hectic weekend, so time now to bring the blog up to date with recent goings on. All has been a bit sedate really........
Friday 20th March 2009
Timekeeping was very good for a Friday. I didn't see all the turns, but 20103 seemed to be the sole B10M on the X1. It did the first westbound departure from Yarmouth (Y8). Michael saw 20104 on the X2, while Bruce reported 20109/18/21 at Rowan Road and 20131 being cleaned at Vancouver Avenue.
Saturday 21st March 2009
Services had a bad patch in the middle of the day with 37567 22 late on K16 and 20103 20 down on K18. Before and after this though, services ran to time. 37579 was 3 early arriving at Wisbech for the 09.09 to Lowestoft and 'right time' on the 16.31 to Peterborough. 37578 was on Y10 this morning but by this evening had dropped down to L11. There was an unidentified B7 on K4 and Y8 which had begun the day with 37565 also had a Profile this evening.
Sunday 22nd March 2009
37576/9 received new advertising today for Planets (drivers side) and Bob Books (passenger). 37573 was reported by Bruce on the 09.09 Wisbech - Lowestoft with a healthy load, but Michael saw the same turn returning through Dereham at about 15.00 with 20103. 37565 was at Lynn needing a new window which is probably why it didn't finish Y8 yesterday.
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