I was despatched to that far flung corner of South Lincs again today, but Bruce kindly logged much of the day. He says ' Timekeeping was exemplary from the King's Lynn direction until the 12.59 (K17 09.55 ex Lowestoft) which was 20353 running 7 late'. Lateness then increased with K5 11.25 ex Lowestoft passing 19 late with 20103. Things had settled down by this evening as usual, but 20105 on Y9 19.18 Peterborough - Lowestoft was 14 x 13 late in and out of Lynn for reasons unknown.
What remains unexplained is a strange swap in the middle of the day. 20117 on J11 11.18 Peterborough - Lowestoft was taken off at King's Lynn and replaced by Scania 65531. 20117 then took K18 13.29 from Lynn westbound. The incoming vehicle on K18 looks to have been Profile 20351 which misbehaved last night and spent overnight at Lowestoft (still not officially permitted), this was at Rowan Road parked up this evening. 20105 which had done the first part of K18, the 06.57 eastbound from Lynn was later switched to Y9 14.55 ex Lowestoft. The end result was that the Scania ended up at Lynn, whereas Y9 and K18 both finish at Lowestoft, so at least that made sense. The first part of Y9 is an unknown quantity as Bruce didn't see it, but there were very few coaches spare at either end so it looks highly likely to have been 20127.
20508 did its usual Hunstanton schools turn today but had to visit the garage for damage to an armrest. 20118 & 20131 were the other two coaches sidelined for this work. As expected 20352 has had the M & S adverts removed as (surprisingly) has 20142 which is in for a service at the moment. 20141 is due for MOT this week, but it has not returned to King's Lynn as yet.
I thought it was 20509 that was swapped for 65531? Or have you done it again like in the email? ;)
Yes brain failure again Sam, 20509 was L13 !
We will forgive you! ;)
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